Sell Viral TikTok Products on your Ecommerce Store
List trending products. Increase your profits. Rinse and repeat!
List trending products. Increase your profits. Rinse and repeat!
Introducing TikSale
TikSale is an all-in-one platform for e-commerce sellers to find trending products and winning ads on TikTok, Etsy, and social media with real-time insights.
1 year ago | Verified Buyer
Spent a number of hours going through product yesterday.
Initial thoughts - Good but could be better.
As I am into Etsy I bought this for the Etsy intel first.
Keyword Research:
1. Engagement over time - Great to see Time Scale over 12 months, unique tool but as data grows would like to see 12, 24, 36 months
2. Summary box - Again great overall feel of market BUT why limit scan to just 100 shops? Also are these the top sellers of the chosen keyword?
The shops competing is therefore not accurate in overall as my other Esty software shows hundreds more shops competing, skewing your figures.
(This is same for competition, free shipping, search totals - All inaccurate)
The Price range filter is very good as it can help price goods before you start selling
3. Sample listings - Again how is data organised out of 100 sample? There is no export option for data - please add
4. Popular tags - Excellent data scrape. There is no export option for data - please add
5. Materials - Crazy output of data, makes no sense at all after listing the obvious materials (wood, paper, metal etc) There is no export option for data - please add
6. Long Tail Alternatives - Excellent data scrape. There is no export option for data - please add
Keyword Compare:
1. Great overview of focus subjects, would be easier to add these from Keyword Research Longtail ONE CLICK TO ADD like in the storm bucket green magnifier icon
Storm Bucket:
1. Incorrect spelling of Engagements should be Engagements
2. Incorrect grammar of Competitions should be Competition
3. There is no export option for data - please add
4. There is no sorting "in order of" columns (like in Long Tail Alternatives data sort) please add
Store Tracker:
1. Excellent tracker, results coming in daily
2. Beautiful interface
3. The Initial vital data summary of shop (sales, start date, etc) is lost after you add tracker - please add back in
Now the MOST IMPORTANT request is data on shop sales, top sales in shops, trends in the shop etc like Everbee are doing.
Please watch Video -
If you add this to the tracker and or other data = You are GOLDUST as Everbee is only other SAAS that does this and is main competitor to you !!
I cannot review other items yet as they are in maintenance mode, If you would like me to do that, please reply to me.
What I did see in the reverse engineering part on winning products was incredible goldrush opportunity data. I loved the term "Licence to print money"
Keep going your nearly there.
David UK
1 year ago | Verified User
What is this app for? To find trending products that we can dropship?