About SaaS Mantra

SaaS Mantra is where Business owners, Entrepreneurs, and SaaS Founders around the globe find each other to build mutually beneficial business relationships. Being the go-to SaaS marketplace, we solve your growth problems by bringing the right tools and users together.

SaaS Mantra Head of Growth
Head of Growth
SaaS Mantra Co Founder
Co Founder

The Story Behind the Magic

Back in 2016-2017, Sampath & Rama noticed an unbelievable surge of amazing SaaS products struggling to find the right users while working with SaaS product teams.

The founder duo thought, "Why not create a platform where businesses can discover the best SaaS tools for their needs from among these countless new products?"

On one condition, to not become yet another boring directory of SaaS products. But build a bridge of value exchange between SaaS Founders & their Target Customers, nothing less.

They found the sweet spot with the idea of a “Lifetime Deal” creating a Win-Win scenario for everyone.

What started as a simple idea in our tiny office room in 2016 now has customers from over 49 countries, and generated over $7 Million in revenue for our Partners.

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We envision a go-to destination, that is SaaS Mantra, to empower businesses of all sizes with the right solutions for every unique need that will help them grow and scale.

With our commitment to providing a user-friendly platform, expert curation, and valuable customer insights, we strive to revolutionize the way businesses approach their growth challenges and needs.

Meet the Founders

Sampath & Rama have been responsible for causing an upward growth trajectory for hundreds of SaaS products by working with SaaS Founders.


SaaS Mantra Businesses

58,000+ Businesses

We have helped 58,000+ businesses with the right software solutions so far in our journey. It has helped them create more job opportunities, and grow their business and revenue.

SaaS Mantra Growth


We have generated $7.34M in combined revenue for our partners since Day 1. And we’re pursuing a faster growth rate with every passing day.

SaaS Mantra Products

200+ SaaS Products

We have won the trust of the teams behind 200+ SaaS products to launch with us and help grow their business like it’s ours.

Meet the Team

Our dynamic and gritty team creating the magic behind the curtains of SaaS Mantra.

Vijay Anand

Vijay Anand

Web Ops Lead

Cracks codes and jokes to keep SaaS Mantra up and running 24/7 inside out.

team member

Michael Thangam

UI Developer

Excellent UI developer. Because he develops the interface on your screen standing between ‘U’ & ‘I’.

Udhay Kumar


Content Writer

An easily-intrigued SEO writer and the voice in your head right now.



Digital Marketer

An unassuming artist turned creator snap-zoomed her way to become a digital marketer She’s the best audience for our dad jokes




If potatoes could talk, I could get them to party more easily than my team. But that’s not gonna stop me!



Campaign Specialist

A wizard behind the screen. He speaks data. Turning clicks into cash. And pixels into profits!



Creative Copywriter

Crafting words that breathe life into brands. She speaks in puns and turns facts into captivating adcopies.



Digital Marketing Trainee

I’m bound to become a digital marketer. It’s in the design, and I’m content with it.


Krishna Prasath

Digital Marketing Intern

Fortune Favors the Bold. The relentless Digital Marketer in him is aware of this fact.


Sahaya Ashiba

Digital Marketing Intern

Learning the ropes of my craft in the tangles of Digital Marketing.