Bye, Bye Circle.. Hello Scenes :)

Easily Build, Manage & Monetize your own White-labelled Community

Building a Private Community is the easiest way to keep your customers engaged, thus generating more Word of Mouth marketing + more Sales for you.

On top of that, you could save hundreds of hours each month that would be spent on support and guidance.

Let your customers help each other grow, and they together help you grow too.

So, now where to build your community?

Introducing Build On Scenes

Scenes is a zero-resistance community platform for Brands & Creators to bring their customers, audience, and believers together.


  • White-labelled Community for Your Brand/Company
  • Create Sub-communities for General Audiences, Followers & Paid Customers
  • Alternative to:,, Buddyboss
  • Best Suited for Coaches, Influencers, Brands, Creators

Engage your community by kickstarting the discussions in forums & audio rooms  (coming soon, and a part of this deal)

Make it easier for you to communicate with your audience, and also between your customers themselves with built-in chat in your Scenes Community.

Perhaps it's time to say goodbye to Whatsapp, Discord & a million other chat apps.

Engagement does not have to stop at forums & chats.

Host live events in your community, and your customers would be able to follow you all along with the events calendar.

Notify your members instantly, everytime you go live (Bye, bye FB Live)

But what about the past events, and the valuable content that your new customers would like to get access to?

Here comes the Resources section, where you can upload PDFs, Videos, and every valuable resource that you’d like your customers to get access to.

Your customers can access them right away, or bookmark them to revisit later on.

Managing a growing community is not a one person’s job. You can invite your team mates as moderators to serve your customers better.

You can also assign roles & permissions if you’d like to have some of your customers to help you moderate to keep a clean community

With so much work going on, it’s time to monetize.

Start selling digital goods & info products in your private scenes community with the built-in store.

Now let's put in some gamification to grow your community virally.

Scenes offer built-in gamification where your customers can earn Virtual Coins by taking actions everyday.

Reward your members with community currency to act as a stimulus for commerce within your community. 

The Leaderboard shows where everyone stands & keep the competition up and running.

Everyone grows together :)


Unlike Facebook groups you don't need to rely on the platform that you have zero control of, just because it’s Free.

Nor will you have to shell out a lot of money to run a Slack community.

You can Build your Community on Scenes for just $69/lifetime today.

And you can 100% Whitelabel the web & mobile apps to match to your brand.

Create an active community with Scenes to empower your customers to become brand loyalists, and brand loyalists to become brand advocates.

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Admins
  • Unlimited Moderators
  • Unlimited Spaces/Channels
  • Unlimited Direct Messages
  • Custom domain 
  • Zoom integration
  • Notification Center
  • Private spaces
  • Invite & Referral System
  • Coins System
  • Leaderboard
  • Roles System
  • Email Notifications
  • Custom Onboarding Forms
  • Mobile Verification (One Time Pin)
  • User Gatekeeping
  • Follower-Following System
  • In-app notifications
  • Member Profiles & Directory
  • Moderation
  • System Calendar and Event pages
  • GDPR compliant
  • Custom CSS snippets
  • White-labeled community (no Scenes watermark)
  • In-community Analytics
  • Sender Email Customization (via your Sendgrid account)
  • Custom OAuth/SSO
  • API Access
  • Future Updates & Integrations are included
  • 60 days refund policy

Join Zahed & Sid from Scenes Team on 15th of Dec at 9 am EST to get the max out of Scenes. Here's your link to Sign up for the Free Webinar


Tremayne five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Re: No Access

I purchased this product a few days ago and never received access. I'm not sure what's going on? I sent an email and I haven't received a reply

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Tremayne: same

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Tremayne: I tried different emails and start to feel duped

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Mary five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Maturing right along - Happy to purchase.

I bought this rather unsure if it would be a great choice for my community and I'm already happy with the improvements they are making. It's a great value for the low risk. Very comparable to Circle.

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Mary: hi mary, can you tsll where is your community, to see how is workibg. I haven't received any information from the vendod. Thank you

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Carlos: Did you hear back? It was going well but now it's been awhile since I've seen anything improving.

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AbdullahAyaz five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Best app for our use case

I used build on scenes to make a custom portal for our institute. After trying Heartbeat, Tribe and a few others, this was the best for us especially because it allows us to embed HTML pages.

We didn't end up using most of the page features as most of our pages were our own html embeds, but this works great for our use case!

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@AbdullahAyaz: hi, can you tell me where is your community, to see how is workibg. I haven't received any information from the vendod. Thank you

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Saskia five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Just what I needed

This community platform is just what I needed. I am a speaker, author and content creator and tried multiple platforms, but none really "clicked" with me other than this one.

What I love:

- Being able to show all my upcoming talks and appearances on an event calendar connected to the community

- having multiple calendar channels. Most platforms only have one. This way I can separate my live-podcasting schedule from my offline events or upcoming webinars.

- I write and give talks about multiple topics and can now finally put them together under one roof thanks to sub-communities (one for each topic)

- I mainly used course platforms before. Being able to share articles, videos and other resources that are not part of a course lesson is just what I need for my new membership business model

- Stage channels so I can take my presentations virtual without having to deal with an external platform

- The ease of use and mobile-first approach. Even though I can't afford my own app, using my community platform in my mobile browser is so enjoyable.

You deserve to have some reviews on this deal page so I'm happy to be the first to write one. I'm so excited by all the possibilities your platform offers!

What I'm looking forward to:

- Multi-language support, I can't launch my community until it is in German for members

- To connect my German Stripe account and set up the shop (thanks for letting me know this will be able sometime this week)

- The LMS features coming next spring

- Support for full guest access so that guests can read my "blog channel" and search through public resources.

- The "metaverse" channel. I don't really know much about it, but it sounds exciting

What I'm missing / having issues with

1. Event calendar

- When i choose custom location in the calendar and type in a physical address (like for my speaking engagement next Wednesday) it still tries to turn it into a link. Maybe offer an option for custom location, to indicate if it is a link or physical address.

- I would like comments for events so people can ask questions before or give feedback afterwards, also maybe some space to attach slides, share a link to buy tickets (for physical events) or post the recording.

2. Media channels

- I would like an option for some media channels to not be chronological and not display dates - like my getting started guide. So I could re-order the posts in the order that people should work through them.

- I do not use YouTube for my video hosting but another provider, would like to be able to embed my pre-existing videos.

3. Stage channels

- Ability to record the stage channel, especially for me to download and put the recording on YouTube or my podcast.

4. General

- Would like to add descriptions for sub-communities and channels, especially for new members so they know what goes where and what a certain group is exactly about.

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Saskia: hi, can you tell me where is your community, to see how is workibg. I haven't received any information from the vendod. Thank you

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LTD five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified User

Customer support needs improvement

I tried out the app, and it seems like a great way to build a community. However, I found the loading speed to be quite slow. Additionally, the storage restrictions seem very tight. I’ve used a few different community apps, and I haven’t seen any restrictions on storage. This is a big issue for me, and I might refund and continue with my existing ones since there’s no restriction on storage. I hope they'll listen to the feedback and make changes to the storage system. Lastly, the support team has been very slow to respond to questions or concerns, and this is alarming. We understand that there may be issues that are out of their control, but the lack of communication is worrying. We hope that they can get things sorted out soon, as we rely on their support. Overall, it looks like a good app, but there are definitely some areas that could use improvement.

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@LTD: @LTD: Hi, I believe the restriction on Storage is primarily because of the Lifetime Deal. I'm sure there will be minute fee for extended storage (much lesser than the current SaaS apps)

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is this deal still available? I would love to build my commynity with Scenes.

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Sampath Administrator

1 year ago

@Nick: Unfortunately no

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Community Member

1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

1. Where are you based, team size and years in business?

2. What do you mean by audio minutes per month?

3. What is included in learning management systems , how robust is it?

4. Can I allocate storage capacity at account level, can I buy additional storage?

5. What is sub committee?

6. Currently I sell community membership through my woocommerce shop, can I continue to do so? If yes, is there a way to import contacts in your platform or is it important that all transactions go through your shop?

7. How will SSO and oauth work with my existing WordPress based membership site?


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer


also waiting for some login details or mail after my purchase the day before yesterday.

Please get in touch. Thanks.

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi Saasmantra & Scenes - Team,

i am happy to hear something from Scenes. After my Purchase are over 72 Hrs and i heard still nothing and have no acccess. Thanks

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Sascha Hauser

1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User


is the multi-language support already live?

- I want to use your product in germany.

Do you consider any option, for resellers.

I think some of my clients could use this as well...

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1 year ago

@Sascha Hauser: hey sascha i am from germany too :) is yoiur community running ? I have still no access. Can i see it ?

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Sascha Hauser

1 year ago

@André: Sold out.

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Tangguh Rifqi

1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

what's the difference between plan 3 and 4 for LMS features that are "include" with those that aren't?

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Still can’t use the shop feature. When I connect my Stripe account, it prompts me to create an Indian company profile - but I live in a different country. When I try to change the country, I get a message that this isn’t possible. I already have connected Stripe to other platforms without an issue. Any update on this long-awaited fix?

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Saskia: Hi Saskia, we are aware of this issue. We are actively working with the stripe and accounts and legal team to fix the issue. Till then, you can embed a payment page on the platform and collect payments by using our APIs and the iframe channel. We can share a short video with you so that you are able to do this. Please write to us at [email protected] and we will share the video with you.

I hope this helps.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hey there. I really like what I see. But I have some more questions before buying:

1. What means Learning Management System included? What exactly is included here? Video uploads? A course feature with embeded videos (like has it)?

2. Do your events have rsvp? And can I add a link to GoogleMeet or just Zoom=

3. Can I bulk-import students and add them to private circles?

4. What is a subcommunity? A new community with a complete new name, spaces and so on? Or are those subspaces?

Thanks a lot for a quick reply, then I will go for it.

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Philippe: Hey Philippe, answering your questions -

1. What means Learning Management System included? What exactly is included here? Video uploads? A course feature with embeded videos (like has it)? - Yes exactly,

2. Do your events have rsvp? And can I add a link to GoogleMeet or just Zoom - You can connect your zoom account onto Scenes as use that, and people can RSVP by clicking on "set reminder" for the event.

3. Can I bulk-import students and add them to private circles? - You cannot do that as of now.

4. What is a subcommunity? A new community with a complete new name, spaces and so on? Or are those subspaces? - Those will be subscpaces within the main community with new name, spaces and so on. You can restirct access via the roles and permissions.

Hope this helps.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User


1. I don't speak English, I only read it, I only speak Spanish. Is there any other way to access the 14 day trial without reserving a demo call.

2. In the case of directory functionality. This could be viewed by people who are not part of the community and with a search engine.

3. Members can define if their appearance in the directory is public or private

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Noel: Hey Noel, answering your questions -

1. I don't speak English, I only read it, I only speak Spanish. Is there any other way to access the 14 day trial without reserving a demo call. - Please drop us an email on [email protected] so that we can share some demo credentials with you.

2. In the case of directory functionality. This could be viewed by people who are not part of the community and with a search engine. - Nope actually, people cannot see the member details without logging in.

3. Members can define if their appearance in the directory is public or private - This is a feature we have in our roadmap alreadt.

Hope this helps and apologies for the delayed response.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I've recieved access to the platform and am reviewing it currently. Where is the access to the mobile application for mobile devices? Or is it a PWA that should be downloaded? Can I change the name and domain of my community in the future? Is it possible to deactivate certain features, such as the coin or lms so I can roll out to my community when it's ready?

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Nathan: Hey Nathan, Scenes does not have a companion mobile app which pople can download and access your community on the mobile app. If you are looking forward to getting a whitelabeled mobile app, please reach out to us at [email protected] so that we can assist you with the way forward.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

is Scene GDPR ready? this is a very important point.

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Vincent: Hi there, yes, Scenes is GDPR compliant and we abide by all other standard privacy policy and data storage and processing laws as well.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User


Scenes seems a great and exciting solution. ois it possible to have a zoom with you first and see the panel in real life? That would be greta, thanks.

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Vincent: Hey there, sure, you can schedule a call with us to see a quick demo by going to our website


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1 year ago

@ZahedKhan: Thanks. I dod that.

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I've sent an email, and have posted here, the lack of support for the initial set up is a bit concerning. Is there a support ticketing system?

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Nathan: Hey Nathan, apologies for the delay, the team is stacked up with multiple requests at the same tie hence the delay. We will ensure to reply to you as soon as possible.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I've submitted a request to set up an account last week, but have not received any response. Please set up the account I have requested so I can verify if this will work for my company. Thank you

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Nathan: Hi Nathan, yes, we have got your request. Please expect a mail from us within today.


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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hello! Another request to open/unlock my account please. It's been a few days and I need to try it and see if it fits my needs. Thanks.

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Hamsini: Hi Hamsini, we got your account details, we will be sending the community to you within the next hour.


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1 year ago

@Hamsini: update: the team set up my account in less than 24 hours exactly as promised. They responded within hours if me contacted them directly. They've been very helpful and responses have been prompt and thorough. Best wishes for a growing team!

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1 year ago   Team Member

@Hamsini: Hey, thanks for the appreciations Hamsini.


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