Never Design another Website without this tool

Build Responsive & Accessible websites 5x Faster with Polypane

Your website needs to seamlessly work on iPhone, Android phones, iPads, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, 4K screens, 5K screens, TVs...

The list is never ending. But you get the point.

Your websites need to be responsive, compatible, accessible across all the devices & browsers to keep your visitors engaged.

Without engagement, your SEO & Conversions are sure to go down the hill. It’s time to fix all of that with a single tool.

Introducing Polypane

Polypane is your desktop browser that shows your site in multiple viewports at the same time, and keeps them all in sync, provides you with dozens of debugging tools to improve every aspect of web design & development.

From responsive design, testing, to social media previews & actionable accessibility tips, Polypane has got you covered.

Product Highlights

  • Responsive Screen from Mobile to 5K Monitors
  • 24+ built-in debugging tools
  • Works on Mac OS, Windows & Linux OS
  • Alternative to: Blisk, Sizzy, Chrome Dev tools
  • 80+ Accessibility Tests
  • Best suited for Web Developers, Designers, Digital Agencies, Marketers

Gone are the days where you tried to resize your Chrome browser to check your websites’ compatibility for several browsers, devices & resolutions.

What’s worse is, running those compatibility tests one at a time. No one has got time to do that!

With Polypane, you can test not only that but also the clicks, scrolls typing & hover-over, all at once from a single window. Plus, you can emulate popular devices with a single click.

You can make edits to your designs real-time, and watch how they fit in across hundreds of devices & browsers in real-time.

Love Dark Mode? Polypane has got you covered.

You can design/develop the websites in light & dark mode side by side. (That’s dope, Charlie!!)

Speaking of designing, you can run CSS checks to identify any code breaks & also fix it with the custom, built in debugging tools for every, single pane.

With the Polypane's built-in browser, you always can access the documentation quickly on the side without having the leave the project.

(We hate switching tabs in the middle of the work, as much as you do)

Preview how your websites are going to appear when shared on social media. Polypane will also tell you which values are missing and how to fix the errors it finds.

Visualize the entire structure of your webpages, and Polypane will alert you the broken links automatically.

Polypane Web Browsers Deal

Wait, there’s a lot more to cover.

For now, let’s take a quick look at the built-in accessibility checker.

From color blindness, contrast testing to visual impairments & reachability, there are over 80 different A11y tests you will need to check for Accessibility.

Polypane checks all of that for you, providing you actionable feedback to act upon.

Build your pixel perfect websites with Polypane today!!

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Device Emulation
  • Unlimited Broken Link Checking
  • Auto-detect CSS breakpoints
  • 80+ Accessibility Tests
  • 25+ Debugging Tools
  • Social Media Previews
  • Auto-sync all the interactions
  • Powerful Developer Tools
  • Intelligent Live & Hot reloading for Everyone
  • MacOS, Windows & Linux Apps
  • Chat & Email Support

We've recorded the live webinar on Building Responsive Websites 5x Faster with Polypane, with Kilian (Founder of Polypane). Here's your link to watch the replay


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago   Founder

Hey everyone! Kilian the founder here! I built Polypane because I got tired of resizing my browser again and again ...and again just to make sure the sites I was building kept working on all the different viewports (and all the inbetween sizes).

From there it just kind of grew... I want Polypane to help with all aspects of web development, so not just responsive design, but also accessibility, site quality, performance, everything. I think I'm well on my way with Polypane, but I also have about 5 years worth of features planned (though I'm always open to suggestions and ideas!)

I really look forward to show all of you around Polypane during the webinar and show you how to integrate it into your development workflow, use to to assess existing websites and more but I'd also love all your input. What do you want to see during the webinar?



Firma five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Such a time saver

Really great to scroll through webpage on different devices/viewports simultaneously.

This a real time saver. Worth every cent.

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K9 Team five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Must Have Tool...

If you are designer, must have this tool.

Very easy to identify error with multiple screen.

Check broken link, seo meta data very easily.

Thanks to polypane and saasmantra for this deal.

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Victor five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

The perfect tool for designing responsive websites and webapps

Polypane takes the hassle out of creating responsive sites by eliminating the trial and error phase of your design process. It speeds up quality assurance, especially when reviewing code from another developer where you might not know the breakpoints used.

It does not completely replace testing on physical devices but it is good enough to cover your needs while working on the design so you can save time by only testing physical devices at the end of your cycle instead of testing after every change.

For now, it is mostly used to view different viewports but the developer seems passionate about making it more of a developer toolbox to cover all your design and debugging requirements. It is already a good deal right now but with more ideas and updates it has the potential to become even better with every update. Personally, I love joining products at an early stage where you can follow and contribute instead of buying a finished product where the developer might be more reluctant to adapt to user feedback.

I find the resource usage slightly on the high side in terms of CPU and memory consumption but that is to be expected when loading many viewports and once. Still, I hope this is something that can be improved over time.

Overall, highly recommended. I've heard of Polypane before this deal and it is something I have considered for a while which makes this deal perfect.

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Victor: Thanks! Happy to hear any and all ideas you have.

"It does not completely replace testing on physical devices but it is good enough to cover your needs while working on the design so you can save time by only testing physical devices at the end of your cycle instead of testing after every change."

Yes this is absolutely true! I'm not pretending Polypane can fully replace actual devices, but as you say rather than continuously managing a bunch of devices during your development, you can use Polypane 90% of the time and do spot checks for the remaining 10% that can't be emulated (like specific JS and CSS support). That's still 90% less time tapping at a bunch of devices one by one :)

Performance in Polypane is largely dependent on the site running in it. I've written a guide on optimizing in the docs:

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Tvu five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Wonderful tool for a web developer

I have spent quite some time to try, and went through the demo walk through from Kilian. I finally decided to purchase Polypane, and believe this is the best investment I have ever done. I have written a detail comparison between Polypane and in the comment section. I just summarize what I found here:

- Multipanes view with workspace, where you can save different panes setup as workspaces depending on your development stack.

- Live CSS editor with inspection tool for classes/ id picker and autocorrection. Besides, you can try out different Google Fonts which will be loaded automatically by Polypane.

- Grid, ruler, column, row in the pane for perfect pixel design

- A lot of accessibility tools, which I may not use it, but I hope that I can use it in the future.

Again, Polypane is highly recommended, and I hope that Kilian will keep on the development for it. I am impressed this is a product from a single developer, but I hope you will never lose your faith in such a wonderful product. Thank you SM for this deal!

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Elaine five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

A must buy for any web designer and developer

Polypane is a fantastic product and a must-buy for any web designer or developer. It has saved me so much time, money and sanity. Don't sit on the fence and not buy this lifetime license otherwise you will be kicking yourself. It's the best investment I have made this year.

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Elaine: Thanks Elaine!

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Sharpened Pixels

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Please bring this deal back 🙏

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer


regarding both plans, will there be a feature available on business plan that is not available on an individual plan in regards to a single user/developer ? Like user management portal makes sense, and any other team feature doesn't matter. I hope you understand what I mean.

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2 Replies


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Ahmed: Hey Ahmed! Any new web development features will be available for all users.

The only things that might be "team" only are, as you say, team features like syncing workspaces between team members, or other "team" sharing features that don't make any sense if you're an individual.


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Thank you so much, that is all I need to know! Insanely fast reply too!

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi Kilian and Polypane Team!

I am not a developer, but I am working with developers on my web application. Would this work for something like that as well? Sorry for the ignorance!


Alex :)

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Alex: Hey Alex, Depends on what you do of course, but there's a few things Polypane can help with in terms of reviewing.

Here's a guide I wrote on how to quickly check a web page for issues with Polypane:

The various screenshot features can also help you screenshot your sites to highlight issues to share with the team.


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Community Member

3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi Kilian,

1. Is one license enough for me as a freelance developer, will I get access to all future features as applicable to business plan?

Can another temporary freelancer I hire to work with me install Polypane on his machine for testing, can I control his login access from my account dashboard with one code since two codes purchase seems out of my reach.

2. I read it is a chrome type browser, but currently I develop sites using Divi, mainly Wordpress site, so how am I suppose to use Polypane, it seems like I don't need to test every browser and device (android, Iphone) for website compatability, so is that primary benefit of Polypane, means instead of opening and testing site in multiple browsers and devices, I can't do that testing in your browser, please explain.

How will I check performance of site?

3. I read it will help with CSS, currently I open sites with Chrome and manually fix them, so can it help me in understanding and writing CSS code as well, if yes please explain me the actual workflow.

4. What is user management portal as listed in business plan?

5. What about third party plugins I am using in my sites or embedded links, can Polypane help with that as well

6. Where are you based and how long have you been in business? You already mentioned currently you are soloprenuer, so do you plan to build a team and what technical framework has been used to build this site.

7. Finally what aspects of testing are covered, I get contracts to review code of other developers to find what is not working, so can this tool help me in this aspect, if yes which web technologies are compatible with this tool and vice versa.

I look forward to your early response.


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5 Replies


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Community Member: Hey! Most of your questions (2, 3, 5, 6 and 7) were answered during the webinar, take a look to get a better overview of what Polypane can do and what my future plans are:

(1) The one token license is for a single user, so you can not share it with other people. If you want that, you need to choose two tokens so you can use the user management portal (4) to manage access for other users under your plan.


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Community Member

3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Hi

, I watched your webinar and my understanding is, you are offering a tool which can be opened in chrome. Still when I am doing WordPress and based sites, then am I suppose to open webpage of my site in your tool on Chrome, then understand how does page look like on a particular browser and device? Is this the benefit? Also, you show HTML and CSS code in webinar, so how will I use code, means copy it and then go inside WordPress administration area to paste it. Means when you talk about bugs and breakpoints ( I suppose you mean code which is making site dysfunctional), what information Polypane will give me and how and where (like inside WordPress dashboard)am I suppose to use this information.

I look forward to your detailed response


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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Community Member: Polypane is a stand-alone desktop application for Windows, Mac and Windows that acts as a replacement for Chrome in your current workflow.

Wordpress and Brizy are not really the right abstraction level for Polypane. Polypane is perfect for actually building websites with HTML, CSS and JS (including frameworks like React, Vue and friends), not for configuring themes. Wordpress already has plenty of built-in tools to tweak themes without touching code.

Brizy is an online website builder, which is a completely different thing. Online website builder should take care of responsive design for you, but most don't do a great job.

Polypane is an ideal companion then to check your website across screen sizes, after which you can go back to Brizy or Wordpress to fix the issues you found, like broken layouts, contrast issues or whatever. How you fix them is fully dependent on those tools.


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Community Member

3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Hi,

Now I get it, and thanks for your response. I will buy a code to test site on multiple devices. Still is there a way to understand CSS, JS and HTML code in some way in polypane and then take that information (copy and paste) in WordPress and For example, Divi allows me to input my own HTML and CSS code on each or all pages. Currently I struggle to find correct code by looking at chrome. Can polypane help in some way or only benefit for me is to test site for multiple devices.

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Community Member: You can edit both the HTML and CSS of a site in Polypane but it's not an educational tool. There will be more visual editing features coming in the future that will make it easier to tweak a style in Polypane and then copy it over to whatever tool you use.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

the future updates confuse me, does it mean that in the future some updates will be available ONLY to tier 2 and 3 (Business plan) and not to tier 1 (Individual plan)??

in my opinion any tier should include the same future updates for all

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6 Replies


Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Alex: Tier 1 gets the Future updates on the individual plan

Tier 2 & 3 gets the future updates of the business plan

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3 years ago

@Sampath: thanks, but it does not clarify anything at all. I visited the website and in their pricing table, every plan has "All features" there is no distinction

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Alex: Yeah, there isn't any.

But if there are any differences in the future, the updates will be available to the respective plans/tiers

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3 years ago

@Sampath: ok thank you Sampath. Also, i remember you said If i'm an existing SaaS Mantra customer, i will get a discount... i went to check out and didn't see any

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Alex: You must have had that until 4th of May.

But worry not, just send email to support and we will take care of you

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3 years ago

@Sampath: thank you! :)

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I see the deal is to Run on 2 Devices at a time per user "AND" future updates on BUSINESS plan.


Your Website is doing 3 devices per user on business but here I don’t see the "Run on 3 Devices" at a time per user. So it doesn’t seem to have "ALL" future updates.

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Jaxon: Hey Jaxon, the updates refer to the features inside Polypane, not the plan.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Can you please share a link for the webinar replay?


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1 Reply


Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Maria: Here you go:

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi, I just signed up today and missed the free webinar is there a link to the replay, please?

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3 Replies


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Elaine: Hey Elaine! I believe it's on the Saas Mantra Facebook page? You can also watch an earlier webinar/demo I did here:


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Thank you for responding so quickly and I will check it out. I am already one of your customers and know how fantastic your product is so when I saw this deal I knew I had to get it.

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Elaine: Here's the link to watch the webinar replay:

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is this everything thats required to fully develop a site or app or are there more tools needed? Anyone can answer

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@HECTOR I BUENROSTRO: Polypane is a web browser like Chrome. If you're looking for a tool like webflow or squarespace, those are completely different things.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi Kilian, the review promo is still available? im we are just 2 users for now. And a question: when you offer me all the breakpoints and devices... This is emulating the real device? or is just the size? thanks.

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10 Replies


Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Pablo: Yeah, you can review it and will receive an update from SaaS Mantra

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3 years ago

@Sampath: Thanks, And a question: when you offer me all the breakpoints and devices... This is emulating the real device? or is just the size?

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Pablo: I'm gonna leave that question to Kilian.

He's the boss :)

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Pablo: Polypane can do full device emulation, see the options here:


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Pepe Volador

3 years ago

@Sampath: May I know what is the review promo? Didn't see any on FB's thread (only for NativeForms).

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Pepe Volador: 1) Buy the deal

2) Share your honest review (100 words or more)

3) We will send you discount vouchers for Polypane

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Pepe Volador

3 years ago

@Sampath: I don't understand. The review promo is for Polypane, right? How come that I have to buy the deal and then get the discount to for Polypane?? (also, I already got a $10 off as customer)

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Pepe Volador: Customer discount is valid only until tomorrow (4th of May) after which the coupons will be invalid

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Pepe Volador

3 years ago

@Sampath: I know that.

What I don't understand is this: how come that I have to buy the deal and then get the discount to for Polypane?? Or step 1 (buy the deal) is for any deal, not only Polypane.

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Pepe Volador: You can use the voucher for purchasing second/third code

Hope this helps

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Are you a solo entrepreneur or a team? What if you stop development in between?

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5 Replies


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Saurabh: Right now I'm a solo entrepreneur. Before this I ran a 14 person web agency. At some point I'll likely expand the Polypane team as well.

I've been working on this since 2015 and I'm in it for the long run. I have the next five years of features planned out.


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Thanks for the response, can you please share me the roadmap. This may be helpful for me to decide to get this deal. As for now, I am my team happy using,

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Saurabh: I unfortunately had to take my roadmap offline as certain competitors were using it to create copies of things I had planned. Now they only do it when it's already in the product.

To see how it compares, see my response to @Cudy down this page, and of course you can always start a trial and compare for yourself.

My current roadmap is about 5 years long, and features get prioritised based on customer feedback. I have amazing things planned.


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Does is have some similar feature like export to codepen for certain component like it does with hoverify or cssscanpro?

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Saurabh: Those are pretty different products. Polypane doesn't really compare to browser extensions meant to quickly copy CSS. Polypane is more useful when you're actually building and testing websites.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Am I able to develop games as well? Game apps. And by the way does this work in web development in most languages like Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Android, Java and most of the other languages?

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5 Replies


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@HECTOR I BUENROSTRO: Polypane is a web browser, so you would use it instead of Chrome, Firefox etc. So it has nothing to do with what back-end language you use. As long as you create websites, no matter the technology, Polypane will work.

For games: it depends. Polypane syncs the DOM between panes, so if you build games using HTML or SVG that will work really well. If you use canvas or webgl then it's not possible to sync events on them, and so Polypane doesn't do that but you can still verify it works at all sizes.


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: I was referring to coding. Am I able to do something like this:

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@HECTOR I BUENROSTRO: You can use Polypane the same way this person uses Chrome, to show what they're working on. You can not write code in Polypane. Does that answer your question?


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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Its unfortunate that I cant code on it. This is more like Gappsy then. Some of the past deals that allowed apps to be developed were limited to one project. How many apps/sites can we work on?

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@HECTOR I BUENROSTRO: You can use Polypane the same way this person uses Chrome. So you can add as many tabs with as many sites as you need and switch between them as you please.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Are there features coming to different tiers (Individual vs Business) that we should know about?

Why does the deal limit the number of concurrent devices to a number less than the subscription plan? There is no reason to do that at all.


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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@David: Hey David, I have about 5 years of features planned out for Polypane and rely on input from users to prioritize them. So if you have a great idea or you're missing something let me know so I can prioritize it accordingly! There's a new release coming out roughly every month, so in about one or two weeks you can expect a new version.

At the moment, there's no differences and no differences planned between the app on different tiers. All the features in the app are available regardless of tier.

With the LTD we wanted to give a competitive offer, this is what we came up with.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I have been playing with the trial Polypane, and thanks to Cudy, comparing it to the open-sourced At the first glance, both have the following features:

- Multi-pane views: both have pre-defined devices, as well as custom device, where you can set height & width. Also on each pane, you can switch between touch/ no touch, as well as tilt the devices. One big advantage of Polypane is the WORKSPACE. The workspace is basically a pre-defined set of devices/ panes. This is very useful and important, since you don't really want to show up all the devices at the same time, in different development environment (showing more devices = requiring more CPU resources). There are also some useful default workspaces from Polypane for different applications.

- Live CSS Editor: both have, and they also have hot reload, it means that whenever your CSS is valid, it will be applied automatically to all the panes. Another winning point to Polypane is: it provides a CSS inspector, where it will automatically show you all the class names/ id attach to an HTML element. This surely speeds up the process of writing live CSS. In, you will have to inspect the HTML element, copy the class/ id to start writing the CSS.

- Network emulator: both can simulate normal/ slow/ fast network/ offline connection.

- DevTool extensions: both support all devtool extensions based on Chromnium

- Dark scheme: another win for Polypane, where you can select dark scheme for 1 of the pane, so you can basically develop dark/ light theme side-by-side. In responsiveapp, you can only switch the mode for all the panes.

- Screen capture: both do well.

What Polypane has, but not in responsiveapp:

- Grid, ruler, column, row in the pane: you can show the grid, ruler in each pane for design your app. Personally, I think this is a very useful feature.

- The info tab: This is a huge thing that will make you choose Polypane over Responsive (besides the price, of course). It shows you the site metadata, outline, and also you can directly see and edit what is stored in the Local Storage, Session Storage and All the cookies right in the info pane. Sure you can always do that in the Chrome devtool, but I think this small feature shows that Kilian designs Polypane and always keep the developers' needs in mind. Besides, Polypane also analyzes all the possible Accessibility issues. And once it shows up, you can easily navigate to the element, or highlight them all on the screens.

- Once inspecting the element, you can easily edit the HTML text, small, but useful feature.

- Once inspecting the element, you can see its A11y values.

In general, responsivelyapp does it jobs, and does it well, but Polypane is one step ahead with all the useful features for developers. The UX is nice, and give me a similar experience when working with Chrome, even the dev pane cannot be detached to a separate window. I highly recommend Polypane, but I also wish that the number of devices will be increased.

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4 Replies



3 years ago

still, in my honest mind, $69 for 1 device is pretty expensive (even it's a lifetime deal), because it is a desktop application, where it does not require any processing server.

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Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@tvu: Hey Tvu! Here's some more tricks you might've missed in Polypane:

- Multi-pane views: Polypane parses the CSS of a website and can also create panes from them! Click the breakpoints button in the header for the full overview, or right click it to add them one-by-one.

- Live CSS Editor: Polypane knows about all 1000+ Google Fonts, so if you add "font-family:" and then start typing any Google Font (starting with a capital), for example "Lobsters" or "Space Grotesk", we'll auto suggest the rest of that name and then *load in the font automatically* so you can test literally any font on your site. Oh and we have full support for their variable fonts as well, so you can go wild with the axis they provide.

- Network emulator: Polypane does custom headers and locale emulation, making it super easy to test sites in multiple languages side by side. Try it with the Facebook homepage for example!

- Screen capture: Polypane's algorithm for screenshots is pretty advanced, we handle sticky headers, fixed elements, animations and videos much better than other tools.

And there's much more in there like the reference image so you can overlay a design or screenshot on top of a live website so you can get pixel perfect designs, or the color contrast checker that gives you suggestions for better colors, pressing "ctrl/cmd + d" to turn on layout debugging everywhere, the list goes on :)


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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@tvu: That was really detailed. Great work :)

We've made the sales copy clear-er. You can install Polypane on ANY number of devices, and use it on one device at a time.

For example, say you're working on your iMac 27" at home. And carrying your Macbook Pro to work.

You can use Polypane on both of them, just not at the same time.

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3 years ago

@Kilian Valkhof: Thank you for the detail list of features. Really like Polypane, but yes, the price is a still put me off. I will consider my options and might get 1 code.

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I'm wondering how this compares to the open-source, as it seems to do exactly similar things.

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1 Reply


Kilian Valkhof

3 years ago  Founder

@Cudy: Yeah fair question, on the surface they both do multi-pane views of websites, but basically that's where the comparison stops. Very simply put, go through any of the features mentioned on this page and you'll see Responsively doesn't do them. Accessibility testing, meta previews, heading outline, browser tabs, side browser, devtools that make changes in all panes at once, the list goes on.

Responsively is open source so there's no one dedicated working on it. The most recent release of Responsively was somewhere in November. Polypane releases about once a month (latest release: April 1st. No joke). Responsively is also running a very outdated version of Chromium, which means there's security issues as well as missing CSS features. Polypane runs Chromium 89 and will soon update to Chromium 90, so it's fully up to date.

A pertinent example of the difference between them might be the Live CSS feature. I built Live CSS for Polypane 2.1 in January of 2020. The latest version of Responsively now also has a feature called Live CSS. So that sounds like they offer the same thing right? Both of them let you write CSS that is applied to all viewports.

But Polypane does *way* more with that feature.

Want to write SCSS instead of CSS? Polypane does that. It also has the full CSS grammar built in, so will auto-suggest properties and values as you type. In fact, when you write the name of any of the 1000 Google Fonts, Polypane recognizes that and loads in the font automatically, so testing different fonts is super easy. For CSS selectors, you can select any element on the page and we'll parse your CSS and find all the selectors *you already use*, so you don't have to mess around with "!important" and can easily copy your changes back to your own CSS when you're happy with the result.

I really care about getting the details right and making sure Polypane fits into your workflow, and I hope that shows when you use it.


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