Meet the World’s Easiest Checkout System

Build Membership Websites, Sell Courses, Products & Services Easier than Ever

You’ve got a great product, course (or) a service that you are ready to sell.

But selling a service or digital products, especially in recurring billing, requires complex coding and design experience.

“Charlie, I really don’t have time to build all of that. What do you suggest?”

Introducing PayForm

With PayForm you can build your checkout system through an easy visual interface, in less than 10 minutes (Yup, For Real!)

Product Highlights

  • Built-in Membership Area to sell your Courses
  • Customize payments & different trial periods to offer your clients
  • Alternative to: MoonClerk, Memberful, Recurly
  • Best Suited for: Content/Course Creators, E-Commerce Stores, Website Owners

You only need a Stripe / PayPal account to connect to your PayForm account, and start collecting payments from your customers.

With PayForm, you can create fully protected members-only content such as videos, Ebooks, Podcasts, etc. with the built-in Vimeo, Dropbox, Flipsnack & Youtube integrations.

Create a Form with the built-in design editor, to match with your brand’s needs. And choose your Currency & language.

PayForm supports over 50+ currencies & 30+ languages.

The powerful 256-bit SSL encryption makes sure that all the transactions are safe & secure. You can also connect your own domain.

PayForm offers a Free SSL Certificate for every domain you connect with. (The deal comes with Unlimited Domains btw)

Your customers can login & manage their subscriptions easily with the self-service portal.

PayForm is built for almost every website owner, and not just for Course creators.

You can sell your digital services, ebooks, any other physical or digital goods with the highly customizable form builder to collect the payments.

Selling recurring subscriptions for the Membership? PayForm has got you covered.

Offer different trial periods for each customer, and charge their credit cards automatically every month for your service/product

Membership Website

PayForm has a bunch of pre-built templates to help you get started. You can pick one of them or start building your own from the scratch.

Normally, PayForm’s Pro plan would cost you $99/month for Unlimited Forms & No transaction fee.

Since you’re a Genieus, you can get the same for just $49/lifetime today.

It’s time to make some sales…

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Custom Domains
  • Unlimited Member Areas
  • Unlimited Payment Forms
  • Unlimited Sales
  • Unlimited Templates
  • 0% transaction fee
  • Stripe and PayPal integration
  • Optional PayForm branding
  • All Templates includes
  • Future updates & integrations are included
  • 30 days refund policy

We have organized a Special Webinar for you to Build Profitable Membership Sites with  Vicente (Founder of PayForm), on 20th of May, at 10 am EST. Here's your link to sign up for the free webinar


Venkatesan Janakiraman five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Payment screen lagging


I have setup payment form..and connected stripe account ..but when I click proceed for payment after giving card details , its lagging in the same screen and payment also not completing let me know the issue and help me start using it.

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KC Wong five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified User

A genie in a bottle!

OMG, I was immediately blown away by the many features available in this "small" package. Unbelievable features: 1 or 2-step checkout cart, membership sites, coupons, Stripe + Paypal payments, recurring payments, and subscribers management! It can be put to work stand-alone or embedded on your own websites or landing pages.

You don't want to miss this gem! Grab it quick!

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Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@KC Wong: Love the Title ❤️

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Jignesh five-review

3 years ago   |

Nice and easy

Just grabbed it and so far it's as easy as its name,

easy to connect to Paypal

easy to connect to stripe

easy to create coupons

easy to operate and integrate

I think they should rename it to easy pay form :)

all five lamps to create magic from my side.

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Jeremy five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Super Useful!

This looks super useful to make it possible for creators and curators, even agency clients, to monetize their work by adding a Membership with payment gateway to websites or if they get the integrations, can even used in combination with, Webflow, Airtable, Notion or other, and at this price, this is an absolute no brainer buy in my opinion!

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3 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Jeremy: Hi there! I wanna know, how did you use Notion with this? I know that Notion does not allow embedding of its notes through iframes. May I know how you used Notion with this?

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3 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Lou: Hi, hope you're good. Answer - Notion now has API to connect to other tools

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Daniel five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Possibly the best deal I have bought this year

Very excited about this product and its many possibilities. It will definitely save me time in the future.

The only thing I could wish for - and would have paid double the money for - is an integrated invoice solution. I think it is the law here in the EU zone, that customers are entitled to have an invoice. It can be done with integrations and 3. part services, perhaps even from Stripe. But would just have been nice to have it sent out automatically.

Thank you for the deal and keep up the good work!

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Peter Kulcsár

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Support is not answering. Is this tool dead?

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Is this deal dead by now?

I can not see updates and emails are not being answered. Questions that were asked here 2 months ago are unanswered...

That's really sad because I really love the simplicity to sell an e-book on one of my pages.

Any life signal? Plans? Roadmap? Anything?

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

1) Is there a way to test forms in sandbox manner for stripe and PayPal?

2) is split pay on the road map or the ability to say collect monthly but for x amount (eg 3) times?

Thank you!

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi team,

1. Roadmap link?

2. ETA for Revolut integration?

3. ETA for Transferwise (now 'Wise') integration?

4. ETA for crypto payments support?


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

the plugin: Stripe and PayPal Payment Forms for WordPress – PayForm has not been updated in 3 YEARS, that's a deal breaker for me, it looked really good :(

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User


I read this on FAQ page:

In the case of PayPal transactions, they will be billed together with your subscription at the end of the month.

Correct me if I am wrong, if I sell SEO service and my customer pays me with PP, i will receive money on my PP account at the end of the month? I need payment right away not at the end of the month! Maybe i understand wrong!

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3 years ago  Founder

@Ivan: Hello Ivan. No, this is not the case. This is regarding the commission fees that apply to some of our plans, and does not mean we retain momey. You always use your PayPal or Stripe account directly. And the Saasmantra deal has 0% commission so this does not apply at all.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I would suggest that PayForm handles invoice. Is this in your roadmap? Otherwise do you have a suggestion how to generate invoices for customers (even for our accounting)? The best use case would be to define an invoice for defined plans or the one time purchase, and that the invoice is generated automatically and sent to the client.

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3 years ago  Founder

@AJ: Thanks for the suggestion. Currently it's not in our roadmap (as we believe there are far better solutions for invoicing, including Stripe's own tools). But we'll keep an eye on it


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2 years ago

@Vicente: if we use platform, how's does stripe invoice the customer? or is there an integration that we need to setup for stripe to invoice the customer?

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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I see that we can embed the payment from code. Do you have an example on how to embed it in a landing page? Is it possible? I'm asking this question, because in a previous question (the one just below mine), you are encouraging to use the form in a new window. Please correct me if I mixed 2 subjects.

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3 years ago  Founder

@AJ: Yes those are two different subjects. That was regarding content inside a members area. The payment forms are fully embeddable with just one line of code. Thanks!


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can I embed video from Viloud, currently available on Appsumo?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Brijesh: Sure!. Just select Embed from your channel, and using the Iframe integration, copy and paste just the src section of the embed code (// Thanks for your question!


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi, I know that to include a URL, it has to be embedded as an iframe. Is it possible to put URLs in a "smartlist"-like manner? Just like this:

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3 years ago  Founder

@Lou: Sure! Just make sure that the links open in a new window, because if they break the frame they will be blocked by the security rules of the browser. Thanks for your question!


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Pushap Raj

3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I have pre-sale questions.

1. Can we connect multiple domains like adding your promo code to different accounts?

2. Can we host videos directly on your server?

3. Is the Indian Payment gateway supported?

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3 years ago  Founder

@Pushap Raj: Hello Pushap. You can have multiple domain under one same account. About video, we have integration with Dropbox, Youtube and Amazon S3. Both Stripe and PayPal are supported in India. We hope to add more integrations by the end of this quarter. Thanks!


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Thanks for your response to my previous questions Vincente.

That's great that you like the suggestion, can you consider adding the upsell and cross sell feature?

Also, can you consider adding an evergreen countdown timer to the embeddable PayForm that would countdown once the page is loaded and be able to set it to expire after a set amount of time, then the PayForm disappears and displays a custom message? This would be extremely useful when creating One Time Offer pages.

That's great to hear you're going to add the VAT feature in Q2. Will it automatically calculate the VAT owed based on the customers country?

Do you have any plans to build a Thinkific App? Here's a link to their App Store:

P.S I've bought a few codes and I'm really impressed with PayForm. Will you be adding Support Chat to the dashboard?

Do you have a changelog or a public roadmap to see the future plans for PayForm?



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3 years ago  Founder

@Mark: Hello Mark! Thanks for your comments. We currently have a countdown (nor evergreen) under conversion pages. As mostly forms are for payments and conversion pages are for converting the sales, we can evaluate add an evergreen settings into the current countdown. This one, I see easy to implement so I can ask the dev team to give it a check.

Regarding VAT, the plan includes automatic calculation for EU countries only.

We appreciate all suggestions and I hope that we can incorporate some. In the meantime our focus is on improving webhooks, new upcoming integrations and a new experience for PayPal buyers.


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi team can I have more than 1 webhook?

I have several products but not sure how to connect a webhook up on a product level.


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6 Replies



3 years ago  Founder

@Lyle: Hello Lyle. Currently you can add multiple endpoints to the platform, still they are not separated by a form-level. We are evaluating a way to implement something that can help achieve this task.

Thanks for the question


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3 years ago

@Vicente: hope that you are having a good day.

When you say multiple endpoints do you mean I can have several webhooks but only 1 webhook per checkout page/form?

Have a great day and thanks for the response :)

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3 years ago  Founder

@Lyle: Currently it's multiple webhooks for all your forms. What we are going to implement is adding additional webhooks endpoints at a per-form level. This should be implemented this week.


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3 years ago

@Vicente: thank you! I have bought payform and looking forward to using it for my online course delivery :)

Still trying to figure out how to use it with my funnel which has an upsell and downsell. Maybe redirect after purchase and then have a new form on the next sales page?

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2 years ago

@Vicente: looks like form level Webhooks are active. thank you!

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2 years ago

@Vicente: Hope you are well. Any updates on the product? I emailed support some questions a week ago but have not received any response. Really hoping that Payform succeeds as it is a good product!

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Paul Marcell

3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User


First of all congratulations, great product. Quiestion, Can I offer free trials to my customers?

Thank you

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3 years ago  Founder

@Paul Marcell: Hello Paul. Sure! Just create a form and enable "Advanced options" to offer a free trial. Thanks for your question


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3 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Unfortunately, after my review of 2 lamps was posted, it was also deleted. This can mean a few things..

As per your product, it is important for everyone to understand the fine print: this CANNOT be used as agency, as service to clients, or as offers to partners even on a common project. Yes, you have unlimited domains and unlimited forms, but ALL stripe/paypal accounts have a single access point - the PAYFORM account holder.

This means that CLIENT FORM 1 with STRIPE ACCOUNT 1 and CLIENT FORM 2 with STRIPE ACCOUNT 2 can only be set by me, the account holder of this product. Now, what client or partner in their right mind would give me full credential access to their stripe/paypal? And why in the world would I even want it!?

I saw your reply that we can have as many forms with as many stripe accounts possible. Yes, but you left this detail out, the one I just explained. So as is, your product CANNOT be used to offer a service, even to internal partners, unless they trust us entirely and give us their credentials to Stripe/PayPal.

Your product works for a SINGLE legal entity that potentially might have unlimited Stripe/PayPal accounts for some weird reason.

So the question is: will you disclose this in the deal description, and/or, will you enable team permissions at least, so that I can grant access to a client/partner to a form in order to at least connect it to THEIR OWN stripe/paypal account?

Thank you.

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3 Replies


Sampath Administrator

3 years ago

@Bogdan: Your review had 1 lamp, which isn't deleted.

Usually such reviews go through manual moderation, to make sure it's not abusive or misused by the competitors.

We are transparent, and building a healthy community here.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Keep 'em coming!!

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3 years ago

@Sampath: must have been a glitch in my browser. I saw it, then gone, then now it is back again. I only rated it 1 lamp also because of the totally misleading way to present the feature of having as many pages with as many stripe accounts as needed. I hope the PayForm team considers a way to allow team members, or at least a way to allow a client to enter their own credentials individually. The reply in the comments here that this product can be used with clients is very very incorrect. You can't, unless all clients give you full access to THEIR stripe/paypal accounts. It will never happen.

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3 years ago  Founder

@Bogdan: Hello Bogdan,

Adriana from support told me about your case. PayForm does accept multiple Stripe accounts, and hundred of customers are already using the function to connect multiple accounts. This includes accounts you are the owner, and also accounts that you are team of.

We are really sorry about your bad review, as we believe neither us or Saasmantra had made false advertising about the option to connect multiple Stripe accounts. In fact, I understand that you are currently a customer and have two Stripe accounts connected (so you are indeed using the feature in your own account).

About your suggestion, this is something not in our plans to develop, as it encourages product reselling which is not our focus as a company.

Thanks for your comment!


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