Just Get It Done.. Simple.. Easy

The Only Task Management Tool You will Need

There are two ways to be really productive. Writing down your ideas with pen & paper, choosing the tools to use to get your work done, etc. is one way.

The other way is to start adding the tasks that needs to be completed in your Task Management Tool, and delegating them to your team.

Which one do you think is more efficient? (No prize for the guesses!)

Introducing NativeTasks

NativeTasks is the World's Simplest, Easy to Use & Highly Efficient Task Management Tool built for you to get the work done.


  • Create & Assign Tasks in Seconds
  • Alternative to: JIRA
  • Generate Reports with Google Sheets
  • Best Suited for Freelancers, Solopreneurs, Business Owners, Digital Entrepreneurs

Getting Started with NativeTasks is really Easy.

Login to your account, and create a task just like you would fill up a form. Choose your teammate who you want to assign the task to.


If you are like Charlie (our mascot) who wants to keep it simple, but still want all the important information to be added to a task (priority level, category, etc.), then NativeTasks still got you covered.

The app is loaded with 3 different templates for you to create, assign & get the tasks done at ease.

The native integration with Google Sheets is the icing on the cake.

You can add the tasks without having to login to your NativeTasks account, and you can export the status of your projects real-time.

Normally, you would be spending anywhere between $9 to $49 per month for a Task Management app for a team of 10 members.

Today you can get NativeTasks for just $39/lifetime for Unlimited Clients, Projects & Team Members.

And hey you don't have to stack anything (for real!!)

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Clients
  • Unlimited Tasks
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Embeds
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Multiple User Permissions
  • Unlimited Integrations
  • No branding
  • No stacking required
  • Future updates & integrations of the Business plan are included
  • 60 days refund policy


Vishal five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

great UI and UX!

amazing and easy to use dashboard and interface. another amazing product and LTD. Full marks to the team at nativeforms! very easy to setup and learning curve is super easy. highly recommend!

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Linus LAW five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

great app to use with

i am looking forward to the pwa mobile app vesion.

unlimited users and workspace are very attractive to me and buy this at the last second!

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1 year ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Linus LAW: Will there be a PWA app suitable for mobile devices? I don't see a Roadmap, is there one available?

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Lars five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Easy to use

I like the simplicity of the tool. Many other ones are to bloated with features I don't need. Great and a very good purchase to a very affordable price!

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Question five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Potential for Task Management

I will try to organize tasks thanks to folder features,

Hopefully, time tracking can be added soon.

Also please increase integration with google and microsoft ecosystem,


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Ballzv five-review

1 year ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Like your idea.

I like your idea to customize many things in templates and forms but I'd like to type the date myself better than click and choose it if possible. Overall it's ok.

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

What about further development❓

What are the plans❓

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

If we bought Nativforms dont we get this automatically?

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

How come we have to submit a review in order to get the Unlimited Users when it's already part of the deal?

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User


Is it possible to Import tasks via CSV? If not, is it maybe planned?

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Can users comment and reply to each other in tasks?

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1 year ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer


What changed?

What's your development plan?

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can we have custom status and priorities? Right now statuses are In Progress, Todo, Backlog, Done, Cancelled, and priorities are from Low to Urgent. Can we have the option to edit these and add/remove our own statuses?

Can we have the option to select multiple options to select multiple tasks for bulk operations (change status/priority, move to a different category, delete, etc.)?

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2 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Lou: Yes, the custom statuses / priorities are on my TODO list. Once the deal is over I will have a roadmap with all features that will be implemented.


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2 years ago

@Tony: Awesome! Looking forward to this feature (and more!)

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Do you have a knowledge base, frequently asked questions ...?

It would be nice to information eg. how to use, how to implement automation, how to handle it, etc.

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2 years ago  Founder

@Jacek: Any questions can be asked directly inside dashboard. I usually reply within few hours 👍


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer


In the "Feature Request" form, in the Assignee field by default now e-mail address is now publicly available.

I know it can be changed, but could it be turned off by default so as not to make your email public by mistake.

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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

@Jacek: Hmm right, I need to add some additional setting for that 👍


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Do you have a public development roadmap?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Jacek: I am working on it. Right now I am gathering users feedback. Once the deal is over I will start the development process.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

What country are you from?

Where in which country is the company registered?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Jacek: I am from Poland. But company is registered in United States 👍


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I purchased and saw "Unlimited * after leaving review" on my Billing page.

Could the review on SaaS Mantra be included?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Nana: Yes, please reach me out inside the dashboard using Intercom chat. I will upgrade your account 👍


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

what you mean unlimited domain? can I use in the form of SaaS domain?

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Any integrations with GIT/Bitbucket/MS Devops ?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Mingelbr: I plan to integrate with GitHub / GitLab 👍


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is there a Dashboard when you can see all tasks from all projects together?

Do you have a notification feature (email) for new and/or due tasks?


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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

@Dan: 1. No, you can only view tasks for one project at the time.

2. Yes, I support email notifications for new tasks 👍


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