Plan the Future of Your Business

The Easiest Way to Find What Your Customers Want You to Build

You can turn your customers into your brand advocates when you involve them as a part of your business journey.

All you need to do is listen to their ideas & inputs, and implement the solutions that align with the vision of your business.

“This is intriguing. How do I do this Charlie?”

Quite Simple… Say Hello to Jimo

Jimo is the easiest solution to collect feedback &  ideas from your customers, and share updates with them.


  • Collect & Manage Unlimited Feedback from Unlimited Customers
  • Alternative to: Canny, Prodcamp
  • Announce Releases, New Updates as a Standalone Portal and/or Embeddable Widget
  • Best Suited for: Product Designers, Product Managers, Founders & Product Marketing Managers

From designs to building new features, product integrations to new ideas, Jimo helps you collect ideas & feedback for Product Teams.

With Jimo, you can create the perfect eco-system to get feedback at every stage of the product development process

After logging in to Jimo, you will be able to check almost everything on the dashboard

Start with creating a project for your business in your Jimo account. (Remember you can manage unlimited projects from a single login)

Create a Stand-alone page, or in-app widget from your dashboard, to embed anywhere on your website.

Your Jimo Stand-alone portals & pages would carry an option where your customers can subscribe to, to get notified on the updates and announcements.

Choose the Dark or Light mode for the Standalone portal, and customize them with your brand logos.

Not just that, you can change the colours of your Stand-alone portal to match with your brand theme.

Once your Jimo Stand-alone portals are live, you can share them with your customers via email, social profiles, slack channels, etc.

Start collecting feedback, and organize them within your dashboard. And when you are ready to share the new designs based on the feedback, simply connect your InVision or Figma account & Jimo will take care of the rest for you.

When you are ready to announce the product updates, head to the Announcement section & compose the content.

Your customers can react to the new updates you are announcing, and all of them can also comment on the same.

(Talk about creating a nice little community of advocates, eh!)

Normally, Jimo customers pay $89 a month to avail of its Scale plan with just 1,500 active users & 10 team seats

Today, you can get the same plan with Unlimited Active Users, Unlimited Seats for 5 Projects on a lifetime deal for just $59.

You upgrade to Tier 3, and enjoy Unlimited Projects & Unlimited Team seats for Lifetime.

Collect feedback on what to build, and Stay ahead of the competition with Jimo!

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Active Users
  • Unlimited Seats
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Ideas
  • Unlimited Announcements
  • Unlimited Design Sharing
  • Standalone Portals
  • Embeddable Widgets
  • Custom Domain for Each Project
  • API access
  • 60 days refund policy

Additional 10% OFF on each Tier



2 years ago   Founder

Hey Genieus,

Here is a quick info about project, code activation and how tier 3 buyers will go unlimited.

Any jimo account can create unlimited projects BUT they will be on the basic plan. Unless you decide to use a Saas Mantra code to activate the Saas Mantra plan on your project.

Each code can be use on 5 different projects. Here is how many codes you have for each Tier :

- Tier 1 : 1 codes (5 projects)

- Tier 2 : 2 codes (10 projects)

- Tier 3 : 3 codes

For Tier 3 buyers, because you received 3 codes, you may think “wait, 3 codes is 15 projects, not unlimited!“. Don’t worry that. As soon as you have used 5 times each of your 3 codes, send us an email at [email protected] and we will come back to you with additional codes.

Feel free to ask any question.

Have a great day!



David five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Great product and a great team

I can tell this product will have a great future. It's a well-functioning product already with a great team behind it - they were able to implement and accommodate what I needed within days (2 I think), overall a lot of signs this will be a successful company in the future. Jimo does exactly what their established competitors do without the advantage of being years in the market, and Jimo does it better. Plus they have a promising roadmap, so it's a no brainer. I recommend that people get on this and get Jimo while they can :))

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2 years ago  Founder

Hey @David,

Thanks you for your review, it truly helps us!

Thanks also for helping us on the translations!

Have a great week-end!


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Takarobo five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Great Jimo! Great Support!

Since day one, Jimo and his team have continued to provide excellent customer support!

Not only does the design look great, it's intuitive and fast.

If you want to support your customers with something that works, Jimo is the answer.

I'm very happy with this purchase. It's enough to cover my small startup and the unlimited tier 3 is very generous. It works perfectly with more client users in control. I hope this will become the king of project management support systems.

There is only one thing I really need at the end.

If I could automatically white label my emails in my own language, everything would be perfect!

I'm really looking forward to a bright future with more features!

A big thank you to saasmantra and Jimo.

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2 Replies


Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@takashi: Glad to hear that you love your purchase :)

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2 years ago  Founder

Hey @takashi,

Thank you a lot for your review, it helps a lot.

About your needs, we know that email customization is something missing and we planned to add more customization features in the future.

Don't hesitate to post your request on our portal ( so that we can linked it to an evolution and make sure your are notified when we will working on it.

Have a great day!

Sam, on behalf of the jimo team.

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Jason five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

huge potential and good product!

The team behind jimo are crazy and always listening to user feedback. i feedback some issues/concern, the next day (on the weekend) they settled it! the interface is easy to navigate and beautiful. At this price, i feel its a good catch! :)

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Francois Jung five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

stands out strongly from the usual offer / se démarque solidement de l'offre habituelle

This product is developed with a very innovative marketing vision, which should be self-evident: include the customers in the search for a solution. Hence, at the same time as some very classic options, others are much more interesting. Finally, it is the whole "philosophy" of customer relations that is worth listening to: it is worth watching the webinar replay, nice positioning.

The display options are also of great value to me: you can of course use the usual widget, but you can make a place on a full page, which is much more interesting - besides avoiding loading the usual "bottom left" area


Ce produit est développé avec une vision du marketing très novatrice, qui devrait aller de soi : inclure les clients dans la recherche de solution. D'où en même temps que certaines options très classiques, d'autres bien plus intéressantes. Enfin c'est toute la "philosophie" de la relation client qui est à écouter : il vaut la peine de regarder le webinar replay, beau positionnement.

Les options d'affichage sont aussi de grande valeur pour moi : on peut naturellement utiliser le widget habituel, mais on peut faire un lieu sur une page complète, ce qui est bien plus intéressant — outre que cela évite de charger l'habituelle zone "en bas à gauche"

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2 years ago  Founder

Hey Francois,

Thank you a lot for your review, your purchase and your feedback about the webinar!

I and Raph hope that Jimo is answering your needs and that you will be fulfilled with the next upcoming features!

Have a great week-end ✌️

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Giovanna five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Great product!

Jimo does exactly what it is supposed to do. And that is beautiful.

With simple and intuitive steps, I got my dashboard working within a few minutes.

If you need a way to collect feedback or maybe build a community of beta users for your products, Jimo is a no-brainer.

I am looking forward to seeing the next releases from their side. Integrations with CRM's could be handy and direct emails to the users as well.

If this product fits your use case somehow, take it.

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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

Hey @Giovanna

Thanks you a lot for your review and your purchase.

We will be releasing a lot of new cool features in the upcoming weeks but feel free to post your request on our portal ( so that we can share some ideations based on your requests with our community and make your needs being answered as soon as possible :-)

Have a great day and wish you a good luck with your deal in progress 💪

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, I am very interested in buying your deal. Is it possible to add the Mongolian language also? I am happy to provide the front-end translation. Thanks!

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2 Replies


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Ed: Hi Ed, sure! We can implement that quickly, Let's chat: [email protected] 😊


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: Great! Thanks :)

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, I am interested in buying your deal, is it possible to add a search bar at the top of the embeddable widget so that people can search all the posts created using Jimo? This would be really useful for me if it was possible to search the content within Jimo. Thanks.

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3 Replies


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Ryan: That's planned yes! 🙌Thanks for you feedback! I will keep you updated on this 😉


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: Is it possible relabel "Feed, Announcements and Coming Soon" to something else or turn one or two of them off so that they don't display? If it is, I could be interested in making a purchase. Thanks.

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Ryan: You can already turn any sections off on the appearance panel :)!


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Just to add, if it would be quicker, I am happy to provide front end translations (I've done this several times for other SaaS companies) of Slovak language!

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@David: Can you send me an email to [email protected] ? Would be super useful 🙌


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hello, I'd like to translate the front end to Slovak language. From your responses earlier I understand this is not on your roadmap just yet... I understand Slovak is not super popular, but it's something we'd really need for using this, ultimately we just need to change the front end and small things like "new" etc. Is that possible?

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1 Reply


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@David: Hello David, I'm going to add Slovak language to our roadmap :)!

Should be released soon!


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Giancarlo Piccinato

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User


Is it possible to assign more than a tag to announcements, etc., and then filter them on the widget?

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2 years ago  Founder

Hi @Giancarlo,

For now, you can only assign one tag per announcement. Maybe creating a custom tag can suit your needs.

For now, we do not give the ability to filter per tags in the widget. It will come soon on the portal and we are trying to figure out how to display it on the widget. It should come in the next weeks.


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Giancarlo Piccinato

2 years ago

@Samuel: Can't wait. Thanks!

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Et quand est-il des versions dans d'autres langues?

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Vincent: Jimo est disponible en Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, Japonais et Portugais 😊


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer


Est-il possible d'organiser une démo sur rdv comme proposé sur le site?


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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Vincent: Oui aucun problème !


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can I buy the lower tier now and upgrade to the higher tier later at the early bird price?

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@John: Yes, as long as the deal is available

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

does users required to register an account before voting or feedback?

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7 Replies


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Jason: Hi Jason the simple answer is : no 😊

We tried to smooth the process of collecting feedback, so if your users are already connected to your platform, you can link their user id (both for the widget and standalone), so they will be directly identified on Jimo, therefore they don't need to be register to vote or request.


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: thankyou for the response. may i know how does the Standalone Portals work? is it for every projects? thanks

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Jason: For every projects you will have both a standalone and/or a widget 🙌

Basically the standalone is a portal by it self, with a generate domain name or your own domain (coming next week). In which your users can see the last updates, vote on potential update, request features... Also If you wish to identify your users on the standalone, we provide a solution that allow you to transfer their id through the URL.

If you have any other question, feel free to ask 😊


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: what do you mean by 'transfer their id through the URL' ??? :)

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder


Basically if you add the standalone link to your platform where your users are already connected, you can add to the URL link multiple parameters such as their ID, email, username... So when they land on the standalone they will be already identified 😊

You can find more information about this here :


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: thanks. i would love to know which plan are we tag to on your website? pro or scale? and what is the different between the API and full API access ?

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder


Hello Jason, it's the Scale plan on unlimited!

For now, to be honest not much difference between API and Full API access as we didn't fully wrote our documentation on it. However every new endpoint will be linked to the Scale plan (Full API access), and not accessible with Pro plan.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Deal changed! Removable branding was part of all tier and now was remover from first tier. Can you explain?

API and Custom domain is not in the platform yet.

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4 Replies


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Caio: Hi Caio, yes but no worries you will still get your removal branding as part of your tier1. We wanted to better distinguish tier 1 from tier 2.

We are working hard towards documenting our API and releasing Custom domain! This should should come soon.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask! 🙌


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre: Hi Raphael, thanks for providing the removable branding in Tier-1. I bought it because of that reason.

Also, I'm wondering what if I have chat widget on the bottom right, where would the Jimo widget show up? Is it possible to have more options to show the widget. Perhaps, left, in the header, top right?

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Haman: Hi Haman, sure we have multiple option to display Jimo. You have the option to display it on the left or right corner of course, but you can also make your own custom button and display it wherever you wish! We also released 2 days ago a new trigger called "badge":

I hope it answer your question! 😊


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2 years ago

@Raphael Alexandre:

Hi Raphael, thanks for coming to saasmantra and congrats on your product. I was wondering if you could make tier 2 a bit more generous as twice the price leads to twice the projects and I think the incentive should be a bit better (15-30 projects). In that case you would also distinguish tier 1 from tier 2 but in a positive manner :) Thanks for considering this!

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi there,

How can I notify the users of a new feature release?

Is it via email? And can I customize this email?


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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Giovanna: Hello Giovanna,

As of today, with Jimo there's 2 main ways of notifying your users of a new feature release.

1- In-app notification,

When something new happen a red-dot appears next to your widget or custom buttom.

2 - Via mail, when your user request or vote on something he will get notified when this request move forward (to another step on Jimo, from up for vote, preview, to the release of the feature!) so he can followup the advancement and feel more engage in your process.

We also send a monthly digest by mail of your last announcements, so your Jimo users will stay up to date with what you do for them!

For now you can't customize those mails, but this is something that has been already discussed. I'm going to add your request to our board 💪

If you have any other questions, i'm here! 🙌


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

How can I switch the language of the UI (Dashboard and Widgets) into German?

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3 Replies


Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Markus: Hello Markus for now you can only switch language into English, French and Spanish (soon Japanese too) I'm going to add your requests to our jimo board so German language will be implemented soon. 🙌


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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Markus: I will update you when its released!


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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

@Markus: Hi Markus, German language has been released 🙌


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Does Project mean several Domains? So I can use on Tier 1 Jimo on 5 different domains?

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2 years ago  Founder

Hey Markus,

I think you are right but let me give you an example so we can be sure about this.

For example, let's say i'm the owner of the website "" and the website "". I'll want to have then two projects. One project called John Doe and another on called Jane Doe.

So i guess we are on the same track, let me know if it's okey on your side also!



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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

What is Unlimited Seats? its another account or subaccount?

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2 years ago  Founder

Hey @Wanderer,

Seat is also known as member or admins in others Saas products.

For example, having 2 seats means that you can have 2 members invited on a project. With SaasMantra deal, you will be able to invite unlimited member to your projects.

Hope it helps, let me know if anything is not clear :-)


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can I remove Jimo branding?

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2 Replies



2 years ago

@Haman: Guys anything on my question. Is it possible to remove your branding and make it totally white labeled?

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Raphael Alexandre

2 years ago  Founder

Yes @Haman ! This will be released next week 🙌


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