Genei, summarize this 3,000 word article for me

Find your way to the most important information, with this A.I powered research tool

Life is too short to read all the articles, blog posts, research papers you wanted to.

Very often, you bookmark dozens of tabs/windows in your browser, which you wanted to read later, but you don’t go back & read them again.

Ain't nobody got no time for that, Charlie!!”

Exactly. So, don’t waste your time reading lengthy documents & really, really longggg articles.

Meet Genei

Genei is an artificial intelligence tool that helps you summarize articles & research papers, discover related articles, optimize note-taking, and highlights text for quick referencing.


  • Summarise any webpage, or PDF
  • Alternative to: Remnote
  • Extract Keywords & Arguments, Generate Original Notes
  • Best Suited for: Researchers, Content Writers, Bloggers

Genei’s dashboard welcomes you with the nested folder structure.

Say, you are working on 7 articles this week on “Running Effective Facebook Ads”, you can create the folder “Facebook ads” & create several sub-folders, one for each article.

You can then start adding resources in each of your folders. These resources can be webpages, blog posts, research papers, PDFs (either online, or you can upload one from your machine)

Once you add the resource, Genei will start summarizing it for you in the background while you keep adding more files.

Click any of the resources you’ve added, and on the right hand side you would see the AI-generated summary of the same.

It's so simple... As easy, peasy as that!!

You can ask the Genei to recompute the summary if you’re not content with the one produced.

Clicking any particular section of the summary will take you to the respective section of the original resources you’ve added. You can edit the summary manually as well.

In the very next tab to the summary section, you can write down the notes, just like you would when reading a book.

Wait, we are not going old school here. Genei’s powerful A.I can also take notes for you.

Just select the paragraphs you’d like to add to your notes, from the resource & Genei will take care of the rest (where were you when I was in University?!)

Right after the notes, in the Keywords tab you will see the list of top keywords used in the source documents/articles.

The keyword section allows you to split the document based on keywords w.r.t date, time, country, organizations, people, etc.

With the search function (Ctrl/Cmd+F) you can find everything in the document with a semantic approach - Exact Match, Answer-to-Question Mode and Find Related Content.

You’d normally spend 10-15 hours researching, and summarize a particular topic... Or, you’d be paying $100 ~ $300 to a researcher to do that for you.

And that’s just for one article… just one.

Today, you can get lifetime access to Genei for UNLIMITED summaries for just $79/one-time.

You do not want to write your next piece of content without Genei.

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited A. I Powered Summaries
  • AI-generated Smart Overview
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Files
  • Unlimited Resources
  • Cloud-based Notes & Annotations
  • Google Drive Integration (coming soon)
  • Export Functionality
  • Reference Generation & Management
  • Future updates & Integrations are included (roadmap)
  • 30 days refund policy

P.S  Learn how to "Automate your Research, with Genei" on the 19th of Aug, at 9 am EST. Here's your link to Sign up for the Free Webinar


Earthling five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Another Sleeper Hit of 2021...

This tool is developing at a rapid pace. It's nearing the end of September 2021 almost and I'm writing the review long after the deal has ended.

Reason? I wasn't sure what to make of it at time of purchase.

Now, I feel that I can give a fair and unbiased review that this tool deserves. The team has been outstanding in his communications and was singled out for some praise by TechCrunch recently. (

They also got a nice tidy injection of funds. (

I guess the future is bright for this tool.

Use cases? Here's two.

I use it "shred" articles and dissect a ranking article. Then I feed this set of skeletons into a GPT3 tool like ClosersCopy and it will fill in the muscles and tendons for me. Works brilliant for getting a draft out quickly. Purists might frown upon this method but whatever.

My cousins borrow this to shred thru their stack of readings. A stack of term-papers can take a couple of hours to sift thru. Easy peasy.

What can I say? Genei has provided so much value for something so elegant and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.

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3 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Terence Tay: Thanks so much for the kind words! It's so nice to hear you're finding the platform valuable. Just so you know, the first article you linked is about us but the second is another company (a very similar name though!). That being said, we are fundraising at the moment, so rest assured we're building momentum and we're very excited about some of the future developments we've got planned.

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: My bad. I'm surprised by how quickly your tool is catching on. Any chance of coming back to SaasMantra one more time? I'm sure those who missed out the first time will not miss this opportunity again! :)

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2 years ago  Founder

@Terence Tay: I'm glad to hear you say that - it's nice to feel like we're building some momentum. Re Saas Mantra, we would certainly like to come back at some point in the future, but as we've only just finished the last promotion I'm afraid it most likely won't be for a while.

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Just five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Great potential

I purchased Genei more than a month ago and he been using it sporadically since then. It was not easy for me to grasp from the outset but I have begun to understand the use cases and methodology the more I use it.

I do love the simplicity of the tool and I feel like there is a lot of potential here. There are many, many tools in this space, either as direct competition, peripheral competition, or complementary tools. Genei will have a tough time standing apart but I am hopeful that it will.

I'd love to see some features come to Genei from some unrelated but similar tools. Specifically, the mapping feature of Traverse (, the advanced clipping features of Airtable (ability to clip specific images), and the persistent highlight features of Liner (!! This would make it incredible!

I am also minimally concerned by the "Basic" vs "Pro" labeling in our accounts. It is not a big deal right now, but I hate to see any semantic openings that will allow a deal to be restricted down the road.

For now, this is a solid tool on the verge of 5 lamps.

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5 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Just: Thanks for the kind words. Glad you're enjoying using genei.

I also really appreciate the feedback and ideas. We have looked at some persistent highlight ideas, similar to Liner or Weaver tools. We're hoping to release a bit of a clearer roadmap in our upcoming webinar on wednesday.

In regards to the plan, the only difference between basic and the upcoming pro plan will be GPT3. Unfortunately, we cannot include GPT3 in the LTD due to its high usage based pricing. We are looking at a discount for any LTD buyers, however :)

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Just: One additional comment, this is from the Genei web clipper and I think it is an incredibly important point:

"Help genei learn to summarise like you do by providing corrections:"

We need to remember that ALL A.I. tools get better as they learn. If we are part of an A.I. tool userbase, it is essential that we put effort back into the tool for it to grow and improve.

My first reaction was to complain about the output I received from an article summary, but in reality, this A.I. is like a child, it needs to be taught and learn in order to achieve its full potential.

By making corrections and edits within Genei, I am not only "fixing" the output for my own use, but also feeding knowledge and experience back into the tool.

It's not to say that I always have time for that, but in most cases, even making corrections to the Genei summary I am still saving time and effort vs. doing the entire summary+writing process from scratch.

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: It looks like Pro is being launched now and our concerns regarding Pro vs. Basic were valid. Now I have some questions:

1) It appears that pro includes quite a bit more functionality than just GPT-3:

• Advanced Summarisation

• Multi-document Analysis

• GPT3 Rephrase, Paraphrase & Summarise

• AI-powered question answering

• Unlimited file size upload

Are we locked out of all of these? Are we going to get any of the non-GPT-3 dependent Pro features?

2) Do LTD users have to sign up for access to the Pro wait-list like everyone else?

3) What did you come up with as far as a discount for Pro for LTD users as you mention above?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Just: Hi, thanks for the question.

The first 4 features here all incorporate GPT-3.

It will be difficult to change the file size upload limit on basic for a specific cohort but please give me an email on [email protected] if you are unable to upload a document due to it's file size and I will manually approve it.

All users have to sign up to the wait list. We're expecting to have everyone who wants to be on Pro upgraded to the plan by the end of this year.

Non LTD users pay $39/month for an 150,000 word allocation of GPT3. LTD buyers, on the other hand, pay $79 once for a 1,000,000 word allocation. So it's about 1/6 of the price and doesn't expire. If you run out of words, you can top up again for $79.

Please let me know if you have any other questions :)

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: Thank you! This is a very fair offer. I look forward to getting the upgrade invite.

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Kefeng Zhou five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Good! It could save time for real.

Great for organizing essays or long papers, to be able to summarize key points from the text, to help extract central ideas and take notes.

Useful for students with heavy reading tasks, or for researchers, columnists, etc.

Also Genei and uBlock Origin browser plugins are not compatible and can cause unusable errors, so if you encounter problems please check if you have this anti-advertising plugin installed.

Also, it would be nice if other files like docx, md, etc. were accepted.



另外Genei和uBlock Origin浏览器插件不兼容,会造成无法使用的错误,所以如果遇到问题请检查一下是不是安装了这个防广告插件。


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Jurgen Proschinger five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Basic or Pro Plan?

Just took the dive. Mixed feeling so far. The App works fine as expected, though a bit basic and nothing outstanding. I mainly use the summarizing function. I hope the roadmap is followed through and development continues. There's a spark of promise in here.

One thing though: The deal terms state that we're subscribing to the Pro Plan, yet my billing information states "You have purchased a lifetime membership to the genei basic tier." Care to comment and clarify?

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8 Replies



3 years ago  Founder

@Jurgen Proschinger: Hey Jurgen, thanks for the positive review! We currently only have one tier, the basic tier, but there is a student discount for those in education (hence the student / pro confusion). Hope that clarifies things :)

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3 years ago   Verified User verifed user

@Alex: If the plan we get is the 3.99 GBP per month its quite an expensive lifetime plan. I could be a subscriber for almost 1 1/2 years for the 79 USD with your normal price. Way under normal LTD value. I suggest you upgrade all LTD buyers to the PRO plan at least to appear as increased value.

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3 years ago   Verified User verifed user

Additionally, I noticed that you offer 30% discount for students. Will you offer 30% on the LTD plan also or is that an additional lost value difference?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Thomas: Unfortunately, we cannot discount the LTD at this point in time. It's cheaper than our current annual plan so we feel it's a fair deal :)

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: Could you clarify this again? There IS a Basic Plan on your website and this deal does not clearly state which one we are getting.

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2 years ago  Founder

@Bryan: The LTD is tied to the basic plan.

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: Actually, it's not cheaper than your annual plan. See screenshot with included math:

But, I hope you do well. If 2x stacking could enable the Pro plan, I'd be interested. Thanks though.

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2 years ago   Verified Buyer verifed user

@Alex: Really hope they consider allowing access in some way to the GPT-3 Plan. I se etheir pricing for this plan is now on the site.

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Alexandre five-review

3 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Nice and useful

Genei is a great tool!!!

It is nice, useful, powerful and has a promising future features ;-).

Very good job! Thank you!

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Rob Boutet

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Trying to upgrade to Pro but d not see the option, once I click on the coupon it takes me to inside my dashboard and there is no option to upgrade, could you please walk me through the process?

Thank you

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I sent Alex an email on how to redeem the coupon for an existing account which I had a number of notes and summaries I created. That was 8 days ago with no reply. Support can be a concern. I've till mid-Sep to refund my purchase, so definitely hope to hear a reply soon

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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

@Zach: Hi Zach, has this been sorted?


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I only bought due to the promise of one time fee for the gpt3 add-on..thanks :)

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3 Replies


Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@Ahmed: It's mentioned in the webinar

Here's the replay:

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2 years ago

@Sampath: u need to add it here on the product description

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2 years ago

@Ahmed: what is the fees for that is not obvious on the video

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Sulham Syahid

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi there, I am interested in buying your product. But is it possible to get a pro plan? maybe with 2 codes?

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@Sulham: Pro plan isn't a part of the deal, sorry

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can we stack SaaS Mantra codes to get onto the GPT-3 tier?

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@Steven: If you purchase the deal, you can get GPT-3 as one time add-on (once it's ready)

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2 years ago

@Sampath: thx..this is the only reason I bought

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2 years ago


How willl this one time add on for GP T 3 be announced ? I am interested in. Thanks

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LTD Buyer

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Where can we see the complete in-depth demo of this product before the deal ends?

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5 Replies


Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@Digital Marketing: We have the webinar in 2.5 hours.

You can join us and learn everything about Genei

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LTD Buyer

2 years ago

@Sampath: Sorry couldn't attend live. Where can I see the replay?

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@LTD Buyer: Here's the replay:

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LTD Buyer

2 years ago

@Sampath: You posted the link of recorded session after the deal was over. No use. Thanks anyways.

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@LTD Buyer: Actually I have been sharing it everywhere, and this comment was 9 hours before the deal ended

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Hi Alex,​ it seems the chrome extension is affecting my login with AWS. I get a Bad Request every time on AWS until I disable the extension.

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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

@TP: Thanks for flagging this. Not sure why it would be the case. We'll look into it


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

What plan is this tied to? I only see a pro plan on the website and nothing specified here.

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4 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@TP: This plan is tied to the basic (non GPT3 plan)


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2 years ago

@Alex: given that it isn’t part of the any actual plan on the website, are we guaranteed to get all future updates (except for-3)?

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2 years ago

@Alex: Btw Alex, it would be great if there is a native integration with

1. Sync notes across platform (RoamResearch, Notion or Evernote)

2. Notes review

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2 years ago  Founder

@TP: We can guarantee the LTD buyers will be able to access all updates that do not require additional usage based pricing (eg. GPT3 or other equivalent AI models, external database subscriptions/integrations, API plugins etc).


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

How many code stacks to get Enterprise version?

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Please let us know if you have the GPT-3 features with multiple stacked codes?

Will future pro features also be included?

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2 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Andy: We will be offering a heavy discount for our GPT3 plan for LTD buyers. It will be about 75% cheaper than the plan for non LTD buyers. However, this will work on a usage-basis, and will need to be topped up after certain usage limits are hit.


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2 years ago

I hope you can include it as a min usage included with the plan and top up with more usage @Alex: I’m on the fence of buying due to this limitation as other options can be bought for 7$ and I guess I will not use it more than 3 months a year, so LTD will not be of great ROI

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Mohammed Wasim Akram

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Pre-Sale Questions:

Why should I purchase this when is free? How is it compared to smmry, Inksprout, and WordTune?

How is it an alternative to the Remnote as you mentioned in this page?

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4 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Mohammed Wasim Akram:

genei is much more than an in and out summarizer. For starters, you can customise the parameters of your summary depending on the amount of information you're looking for. Our summary bullet points are also hyperlinked to the original article so you can see how the AI is deriving its outputs.

In addition, we also offer a number of additional features. Our AI automatically extracts keywords from documents and enables you to focus in on where they appear within the text. Genei also extracts graphs, figures, and tables, enables you to highlight documents, find related reading, and generate citations.

In regards to Remnote, we have a notepad built into genei that enables you to link your own ideas to parts of the document or to external sources.

Ultimately, genei is a tool focused around making the entire research process more productive and efficient. Summarization is only one feature, of which there are a few.

Hope that helps clarify things :)


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Mohammed Wasim Akram

2 years ago

@Alex: Thanks man for the great explaination. One last thing I wanted to ask is that will Genei offer Book Summary feature in the upcoming future? If YES then what is the ETA?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Mohammed Wasim Akram: Glad it was useful!

Unfortunately, full book summaries isn't something that we'll be building in the near future.


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Mohammed Wasim Akram

2 years ago

@Alex: Okay thank you mate :)

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Sorry, but this looks very unserious.

If you want to sign up for a 14 day trial

you must enter your credit card details

you are on beta.geneio.

Why should I pay with my personal data for a 14 day trial?

Why it is BETA?

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1 Reply



2 years ago  Founder

@Angelika: Hi Angelika, sorry to hear about these concerns. We input card details because each individual AI request is expensive, and we wanted to ensure that individuals were genuinely interested in purchasing before making use of the AI. We didn't want people trying to summarise entire books on the free trial, for example, with no intention of ever purchasing a subscription.

Our app is listed as beta because we still feel like we've got a lot of improvements to make, and we're still adding lots of new features consistently. We will probably move out of beta before the end of this year.

Hope that clarifies things a bit :)


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Any plan to integrate with Content Studio?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Daren: Not currently, I'm afraid :(


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

For $79, what plan will we be getting?

The Basic, Plus, or Premium?

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4 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Liwern: There's only one plan out at the moment - basic. That includes all functionality that we offer currently. This is what will be available in the LTD. Future plans will include GPT3 but will not be available on this LTD.


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2 years ago

@Alex: Okay. I'll wait for GPT3.

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2 years ago

@Alex: Thus, our plan will be worse than now... Now the PDF file is

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2 years ago  Founder

@Alexandre: No, your file upload size will remain the same :)


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

hi genie founder and team

i love genie UI UX and dashboard

its awesome and user friendly

on the other hand, do you have any estimation on new LTD with Gpt3?

ive tried Alaadin AI and etc but they are basically not the right fit for me

im willing to wait for new LTD plan with gtp3. i know gpt3 model is pretty costly, but as long as you able to offer ltd at a price where you are comfortable, its a BIG YES~!

i love the tool and cant wait to see its evolving

keep it up ~! genie team

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2 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@msmr: Hello! Thanks for the lovely words :)

We're looking to release GPT3 within the next few weeks. Unfortunately, we won't be including this in an LTD immediately. I'm not sure just yet when the next LTD will launch.


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Pepe Volador

2 years ago

@Alex: If we get this now, when you launch GTP3 will us get an early adopter discount or something?

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