Exceed your client’s expectations

Keep them informed with data-driven status updates

Communicating status updates with all the data and insights can be pretty time-intensive

Your clients may get worried and bug you with ad-hoc calls and emails, if you don’t update them regularly

How about keeping your clients up to date on what’s going on, while achieving your goals peacefully?

Introducing Enform.io

Enform.io is built for growing businesses who want an easier way to report on progress regularly to stakeholders and clients. It reduces the time taken to create progress reports and increases transparency.


  • Track OKRs and Publish updates via Email, Slack & Microsoft Teams
  • Alternative to: StatusHero, Tability Inc, Blogin
  • Daily product digests from Jira, Trello & Multi-channel updates
  • Suited for: Web/Marketing & Digital Agencies, Development Agencies, Remote Teams & Sales Teams

One of the biggest challenges faced by companies outside of building great products is keeping their communication channels active, updated and open.

With Enform.io, keeping your team informed about tasks and updates is very easy and time saving.

If you think about it, everyone prefers a clear overview of business objectives with metrics to keep track of. Integrating Jira/Trello with Enform.io gives you daily digests about epics that are linked directly to your objectives.

Most of your time is spent aimlessly on meetings that lack direction and conclusion. Enform solves the problem by making communication across teams abstract and to the point.

Goal Tracking (OKRs) are a pivotal part of driving your business forward. Enform.io allows you to set up activities, deliveries and updates backed by real-time data and insights.

Constant feedback is what helps in creating better products and aligns you with your objectives.

Enform gives you space to add insights on activities and progress made towards your goals. Simply said, you can send & receive feedback seamlessly.

Not always does your team use all communication channels that you use. You can send multi-channel updates through email, Slack and Microsoft Teams so there’s no FOMO for your team.

Currently, Enform’s customers pay $69 per month for a five-member team limited to 1 team for sending out product updates.

You can avail more of those features for $29 on a one-time purchase that allow you to send updates to unlimited recipients.

Start keeping your stakeholders and clients i(e)nformed today!

Deal Highlights

  • Unlimited Goal tracking (OKRs)
  • Unlimited Metrics to track
  • Unlimited Tasks and activities
  • Connect to multiple Jira / Trello Workspaces per Team.
  • Development Digest with Jira/Trello integrations
  • Update metrics via Zapier / Pabbly Connect
  • Publish updates via Email and Slack
  • Add commentary
  • Update composer
  • Scheduled time updates
  • Future Updates & Integrations of Large Team plan are included
  • 60 days refund policy

P.S Catch the Replay of "Communicating Effectively with Your Team & Clients" with the Founder of Enform. Here's your link to watch the Replay



2 years ago   Founder

The feedback from the SaaSMantra community since we've launched has been amazing!

We're all about encouraging leaders to communicate better with their clients, stakeholders, and teams by integrating with their project management tools and summarizing what has progressed.

Here's a product update on the changes that have been influenced by the community:

✅ Engagement Reporting - When you send an update to your clients/stakeholders, you can now see how many people and how many times your update has been read!

✅ Share updates via direct link - You can now choose to generate a shareable link for your update. Allowing you to send the link to your clients and stakeholders however you like. These public pages also have the team's branding and allow for external people to leave comments.

✅ New integration with MeisterTask - MindMeister and MeisterTask make a powerful combination if you're a visual person who likes working in mindmaps and converting items to tasks. The MeisterTask + Enform integration sends you regular digests similar to the Trello integration and allows you to link activities to goals.

For more details on all the recent product updates, check out the enform.io blog at https://www.enform.io/blog


Over the next couple of weeks, we're working on many more updates to the platform and at least one other integration. Here's a sneak peek:

💡 Make the emails your own by sending progress reports from configurable SMTP servers.

💡 New integration with ClickUp - integrating with goals and boards.

💡 New integration with Google Analytics - integrate your key page views and events to metrics.

💡 Post daily digests into Slack - and share more broadly with your team.

We're super passionate about encouraging leaders to communicate better with their clients, stakeholders, and teams. We increase transparency with beautiful, data-rich progress reports that capture context from you within minutes.

If you want to master the art of communication and stakeholder management, sign up to enform.io, and let's work together! 💪




2 years ago   Founder

Hi all,

Here's a bit of a product update on Enform.io from over the past couple of months:

We've been focused on adding a few more integrations:

✅ Integration with ClickUp - you can now set up and receive activity digests from ClickUp and link your ClickUp tasks to broader business objectives.

✅ Integration with GitLab - you can now set up and receive activity digests from GitLab and link your GitLab epics to broader business objectives.

✅ Integration with Google Analytics - you can now create Metrics & Key Results that automatically pull from GA on a regular basis. Making it easier to produce a data-rich progress report that leads with objectives and actual data!

✅ We've also launched our new website at www.enform.io that aims to better clarify what benefits the product will bring and also has a new demo video.

✅ We're also welcoming onboard a new developer this month! This will help ensure there's continued momentum and we're working through the feedback received on the community.

Check out the full update here: https://www.enform.io/post/product-update-clickup-google-analytics-gitlab


Over the next few weeks, we'll be improving some of the integrations and will be turning more of our attention to how goals and objectives are presented and managed. The whole purpose of Enform is to empower you to send a progress report to teams and stakeholders within a few minutes, however, there is a lot of setup at the moment to get to that point.

💡 We're improving our Slack integration to also post daily digests AND make it easier to link items from your project management tool to goals in Enform directly from Slack!

💡Power up Metrics, so that they show week-on-week changes, allow you to get targets, and present these in your progress reports.

💡New dashboard for goal tracking and set up - this will make it clear how to quickly set up new goals and metrics, and provide a great management dashboard to view how well you're tracking towards your goals.

Keep the feedback coming guys! We really appreciate it, and it's been awesome to have been jumping onto Zoom calls with most of you and having conversations via live chat and email to learn more about you, your businesses, and how Enform can help you better plan, lead and achieve more!




2 years ago   Founder

Hi all,

As the deal comes to a close, here's a quick product update on what's been happening over the past few weeks and what's coming up next.


✅ We have improved our Slack integration to also post daily digests AND make it easier to link items from your project management tool to goals in Enform directly from Slack! This has been game-changing in how we've been Enform ourselves in linking all work to business objectives. For detail check out the post: https://www.enform.io/post/eliminate-noisy-notification-emails-with-slack-digests

✅ We have also been working on revising how the Dashboards look and the information they present. Now when you go into a Goal you can see an overview of the Metrics, linked items from your Project Management solution, and Tactics / Ideas on how you can achieve your goal.


Over the next few weeks, we'll have even more integrations dropping and continue to focus on how goals and objectives are presented and managed. The whole purpose of Enform is to empower you to send a progress report to teams and stakeholders within a few minutes, and it's been exciting to help everyone send updates quickly and easily.

💡Export progress reports to PDF - providing you with even more control over how progress reports are distributed.

💡Power up Metrics, so that they show week-on-week changes, allow you to get targets, and present these in your progress reports.

💡New home dashboard - this main dashboard will be overhauled to provide you with an overview of all your goals and highlight how you're progressing.

💡Integrately - Allow metrics to be managed via a connection to Integrately. This would allow you to connect to over 800+ platforms and bring key metric data that relates to your business objectives into Enform.

💡Todoist Integration - Track and connect your Todoist tasks to business objectives and receive regular digests, and include a summary of related tasks in your progress reports.

💡Asana Integration - Track and connect your Asana tasks to business objectives and receive regular digests, and include a summary of related tasks in your progress reports.

💡Basecamp Integration - Track and connect your Basecamp tasks to business objectives and receive regular digests, and include a summary of related tasks in your progress reports.



Hem five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified User


Enform is brimming with potential. I’m just getting started and Luke has been really helpful sending me resources to onboard.

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Calvin five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

Great Reporting Tool!

First of all, Luke has been extremely helpful and has helped with integrating some of my tools to be used with Enform. With my agency I want to be able to quickly and effectively update my clients.

Enform is a great platform that will give a customizable reports with metrics, tasks and can even add your own personal updates. Rather than me trying to collected all this data from different sources and put it in a nice report, Enform will do this for me.

Looking forward to more integrations!

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Icwizards five-review

2 years ago   |   verifed user Verified Buyer

What an amazing tool !!! It is like a targeted live autoresponder in one simple dashboard for me!

I purchased this over a week ago and took up the vendors offer to the complimentary webinar to which I met Luke. At the time I had not not even looked into the backend, I simply setup my account as I have soooo much on the go at the moment.

Well finally Luke I got to play around with Enform.io an exceptional product, well thought out and designed, I shall write another review in due course, as the uses that I see for this tool are too many to mention.

Where there's nothing to lose, but a great deal to gain if successful, then by all means try it! This was taught to me at an early age, and has worked out quite well in this instance too!

You will only appreciate the power of this tool by playing around with it, it's amazing for me!

Thank you Luke and hope we can connect again sometime.


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2 years ago  Founder

@icwizards: Thanks for the kind words Dimitrios! I hope it helps you better manage everything you have on the go at the moment. Happy to help as you use it more. Keep the feedback coming in!

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, can you send asap link with the webinar, received SASMantra email today? thank

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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@gianni: Here you go - https://vimeo.com/712616732

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, can we schedule emails? do we need our smtp or our domain name?

does client have their own login?


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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@gianni: Yes, you can schedule your emails with Custom SMTP & your brand logo in the reports

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Just purchased 4 codes. Can you add more description boxes for the goals? Also, why are the goals only "quarterly" goals? Can you add daily, weekly, biweekly goals too?

I would like more than "objective" and "outcomes." I follow the SMART-ER goal framework, so please add boxes to implement those as well, including checkboxes, nested to-do lists, bullet point lists, etc.


Specific: be specific in the task

Measurable: have quantifiable or concretely measurable criteria to decide if a task is complete or not

Achievable: ensure the goal is realistic to motivate action

Relevant: ensure the task will make a difference to create meaningful progress on the project, not some distraction task

Time-Bound: give specific deadlines (dates and times)

Evaluate/Review: recap why the tasks were or were not completed and how to improve next time.


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2 years ago  Founder

@Peter: Thanks for the feedback Peter!! We'll be working on improving the Goal and looking at how we can encourage best practices by using concepts like SMART-ER goals in the coming weeks.

Having more granularity over the goal planning windows is also great feedback, and something we'll put onto the product roadmap.

Keep the feedback coming! Happy to help get you set up where we can :)


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Community Member

2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Can't you add mindmaps so that detailed analysis of objectives or goals can be done, this way you will create a differentiating factor as well.

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3 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Community Member: Yeah - fantastic suggestion! Quite often goals and metrics can cascade or relate to each other and you might want to present those slightly differently.

Visualizing how goals and metrics relate to each other is a great idea. I've added it to the roadmap, and we'll explore it in a future iteration.

We're currently working on improving the way Goals and Metrics are presented in the product, this is more focused on presenting more useful dashboards about a particular goal.


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Community Member

2 years ago


I am purchasing the deal but let me suggest you few things (as per my understanding and opinion):

Try to position this as business management tool instead of it being a component of project management tool.

For example, you should look at "Workfacta.com", look at how their are positioning around OKR+ Smart goals + KPI tracking & Management + Performance tracking . You already have better workflow around communication and notification and I have already told you about including mind maps. May be you can add steam functionality as well to aid in decision making and required correction to achieve key results.


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2 years ago  Founder

@Community Member: Thanks for the feedback!! Yeah, I've been working on the positioning a bit since we originally published on SaaSMantra. Some of the changes we have coming up start to make it clear it's a business management tool.

Thanks for the tip about Workfacta.com I hadn't come across them before.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is there integration with Nifty PM?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Tom: Hey Tom, NiftyPM doesn't have a public API yet. I've pressed them a few times as I'm very keen to integrate with them. They're due to release their API some time in the next couple of months.

When they do release their API, we'll integrate straightaway.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

I will max stack if you integrate with Plutio :)

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2 years ago  Founder

@Selle: There's a lot you can do with Plutio, is there anything in particular you're interested in getting a digest / report on?


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2 years ago

@Luke: Project activity, Invoice activity and proposal activity for specific clients. So basically I want a report that shows them a snapshot of their account.

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Is it possible to integrate platforms like twillio or clicksend?

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2 years ago  Founder

@kham: Hey Kham. I hadn't thought about connecting to those platforms. Can you elaborate on the use-cases and why you'd want to connect to those?


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2 years ago

@Luke: I would like to share the stactics of a campaign of phone calls, sms and emails to my clients and couple it with a PM solution like Plutio to highlight the progress of the projects (in progress / completed / failed). it would be fantastic

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

How do I change the company name that I entered at sign up?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Jen: Hey Jen, great point, we've made a quick change so you can update the company name from your profile section (My Profile from the menu on the top-right), you can change the company name there: https://app.enform.io/me

Let me know if you need any extra help.


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2 years ago

@Luke: Wow that's awesome, thanks for acting fast and making that update so quickly I'm impressed!

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi - how does it produce a report/digest if I connect it to Jira? There is no mention of any AI. So how does the reporting work? Thanks!

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2 years ago  Founder

@Hem: the digests from PM tools such as Jira are pulled down based on the activity within the tool. So if you set up a daily digest from Jira, this will report on all the tickets that have been updated in the last 24 hour period.

Meaning, you can keep yourself and others up to date on all the progress within Jira without having to always log in to the platform.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi - what is a team here? I have a Jira account, a website, GA and some PM tools.

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2 years ago  Founder

@Hem: With enform, you set up integrations to connect to your Jira account and other PM tools. GA is still in development at the moment and should be live over the Christmas period.

The settings for Jira, GA, etc are all set up against a Team. So if you have multiple projects this might be best reflected in Enform as multiple teams. If you have multiple websites, this might be best set up as multiple Teams.

Teams also have a number of users attached who can log into the platform and provide updates and receive the digests from the PM tools.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, can we track specific URLs instead of a complete GA account? Eg: Let's say 1 GA account but multiple authors. Can we send reports with metrics related to www.XYZ(dot)com/author-A/* to Author A and www.XYZ(dot)com/author-B/* to author B, so on and so forth.

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2 years ago  Founder

@Yuvraj: As discussed in other forums. GA integration is coming soon within the next month or so, and being able to track metrics like this definitely going to be part of the first version of the GA integration.


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2 years ago  Founder

@Yuvraj: With the Google Analytics integration now complete, it's possible to set up Metrics in Enform to track this information. For a quick video and how-to guide check out: https://www.enform.io/docs/tracking-metrics-with-google-analytics


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

How many companies per maxed stack code?

Is there white label or custom domain option?

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2 years ago  Founder

@shopaholic: With 4 codes, it's completely unrestricted. No limits.

There isn't a whitelabel or custom domain option yet, but has come in some conversations I've had.

In the customization space, when you post an update you can currently customize the branding within the email, and on the public update page.

We're currently working on allowing people to send from their own SMTP servers so that progress report emails appear as if they're coming from you.

If you're seriously interested in the white label or custom domain option, let's have a chat and explore the opportunity together.


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

I've seen some answers, but can we stack codes? is there a limit on stacking?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Eric: You can now stack codes within enform.io! More details about what stacking will unlock and limits are coming soon over the next day or two.


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Sampath Administrator

2 years ago

@Eric: You can stack upto 4 codes, for unlimited companies & unlimited team members

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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified User

Hi, do you have any plans to integrate with Clickup?

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2 years ago  Founder

@Ian: I've been meaning to take a deeper dive into Clickup, but it does feel more like a complete solution where an integration might not make the most sense as it aims to be a solution that replaces all the different apps you're using.

That said, if you see an opportunity where an Clickup and Enform.io integration might make sense I'm very open to chatting about how you're using it and where we can help! Book some time on my calendar if you're keen to chat more https://calendly.com/enformio/chat


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2 years ago  Founder

@Ian: Hey Ian, We have recently launched our ClickUp integration. This will allow you to receive a digest of tasks that have recently transitioned and allow you link them to goals. For more info on how to get started with ClickUp check out this how-to guide: https://www.enform.io/docs/setting-up-your-clickup-integration


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2 years ago   |  verifed user Verified Buyer

Is it possible to add info from different project management tools and CRM's? Also what is the recipient limits here?

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3 Replies



2 years ago  Founder

@Angie: We support Jira, Azure DevOps and Trello at the moment. If you use a different project management tool, let me know and we'll explore an integration with them.

CRMs are the next category we're planning to expand native integrations into. At the moment, you can integrate via Zapier or Pabbly Connect to manage and update metrics for your goals. Initial targets for CRMs are Salesforce and HubSpot. What do you use?

With the LTD, there are no limits on the number of recipients you can reach. The only limit is on the number of users who log into the enform.io platform.


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2 years ago

@Luke: Thanks! This is great. I use Nifty PM for our PM too and Highlevel for the crm. I'm just exploring the possibilities with our Pabbly account right now. I'm a fellow Aussie, great job here!

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2 years ago  Founder

@Angie: Fantastic!! I've come across NiftyPM a couple of a times now. It's definitely on the list to explore an integration with.


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